AROUND 30 young people met with skatepark creators Maverick in Looe to share ideas for a new wheeled sports facility for the town.

Last week, the Cornish Times reported on how plans for the park, which would be situated at the far end of the Millpool car park, have been progressing thanks to the Looe Development Trust and their partners and supporters.

The project will cost somewhere in the region of £200,000. “Work on fund raising and applications has already begun,” said Kim Spencer of the Trust, “and we as a steering group have confidence that these funds will be found.”

The first meeting at The Haven was the chance for the Boundless Trust (who would manage the day-to-day running of the park) and Maverick to meet some of the young people who will be using the facility once it’s built.

“The meeting was very well attended by around 30 young people all actively involved in wheeled sports, mainly skateboards, “ said Kim Spencer.

“It was fantastic to see young people queueing up for the first meeting well ahead of time and to hear their enthusiasm for the proposal.

“There was an excellent discussion between Maverick and the young people and he has a clear idea now of the kind of features youth skaters in Looe want. Some great questions were asked and clarification sought and I feel confident that the design will be something that youth skaters want to see.

“The plan going forward is for a draft to be prepared over the summer and bought back in August for the youth input again. There are constraints on this site, but everyone could see and understand what these were and the importance of making the design work within the space.”

Further meetings will be scheduled to involve the wider community and these will be announced soon, says the Trust.