A young, up and coming actor from Looe is set to star in a multitude of films and series. 

Joshua J Parker will be hitting TV screens again as he’s set to star in a range of films, features and series including the new season of Ridley – a series about a retired detective who is lured back into service as a consultant detective when his college needs help cracking a complex murder case.

Joshua is one of three Cornish actors who are included in the cast of Richard III at the London Barons Court Theatre in February 2024, where Joshua will be playing Richard III.  

Exploring every genre, Joshua also has a horror feature due out in the new year where he will act alongside Game of Thrones actress, Ashling Francosi. 

Joshua’s most recent TV series, Django, where he played Adam the Son of Elizabeth, played by Noomi Rapace (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) has been picked up by Netflix.

Two short films are due to be released next year which Joshua is spearheading with his company Pictures Paradiso. 

These films are called; ‘Henry & Me’ staring Matthew George-Williams from The Man That Fell To Earth which is directed by Isher Sahota, and ‘Black Vultures over Britain’ directed by Haris Salihovic from This is England 96,  with Joseph Marcel from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air – both have received critical acclaim in their early access releases. 

Finally, Joshua has ambitions to produce another short film based on rural Cornwall which is currently in its infancy. 

Reflecting on his acting career journey, Joshua explained: “I’m afraid that I don’t necessarily feel much different after being in such titles, I’m just me, nothings changed much in my life personally, I still get told off for swearing. 

“Sure I’ve had to make ‘sacrifices’ but to me they aren’t sacrifices and nothings worth having if you don’t have to fight for it. I’ve always been hell-bent on doing this and I doubt I’ll stop.”

Josh can be found on Instagram: josh_9arker.