LISKEARD Community Speed Watch are looking for new volunteers to help reduce speeding in more areas within South East Cornwall. 

Cornwall councillor for Liskeard South and Dobwalls, Jane Pascoe, asks: “Can you help? They do need to recruit more volunteers because they want to be able to cover areas more frequently and add new locations. They currently operate in East Taphouse, Dobwalls, Doublebois, Liskeard, St Ive, Pensilva, Fore Down and Widegates.”

She added: “The commitment may be as little as only one hour every three months. Registration is simple, training is given. Each observation session lasts for one hour with a briefing and debriefing. Teams are made up of a minimum of two members, preferably three but no more than four.

“This is an opportunity for you to contribute to road safety in the community and if you are interested, please do contact the Community Speed Watch on 07817 180203.”

Cllr Pascoe donated some of her Cornwall Council Community Chest Fund to the volunteers which enabled the group to buy protective gear including new waterproof jackets, which arrived just in time before storm Ciaran hit Cornwall last week. 

Cllr Pascoe added: “I am chairman of the SE Cornwall Community Area Partnership, which includes 29 parishes. They all tell me about the danger of vehicles speeding through their villages and built up areas in the towns. Community Speed Watch aims to encourage safer driving, reduce accidents and to eliminate deaths – Vision Zero.  The voluntary work they undertake is hugely appreciated, crucial to identifying problem areas and helpful in providing evidence and statistics for traffic calming schemes.” 

For more information visit