Oak Tree and Pensilva Medical Centre Patient Participation Group are looking to start virtual meet ups for patients. 

The Oak Tree and Pensilva Patient Participation Group (PGG) is a representative group which help to support the practice and influence the local provision of health and social care. 

The 20 strong team is now looking to start a virtual PGG group for patients who are interested but either cannot or do not wish to attend the regular monthly meetings. Via the virtual group patients can still be involved by email or messenger. 

Penny Prisk, chair of Oak Tree PPG, explains: “Oak Tree & Pensilva Patient Participation Group exists to facilitate good relations between the practice and patients by communicating patients’ experiences, interests and concerns and giving feedback to the practice on current procedures and proposed new developments. 

“We work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients and act as a sounding board for practice staff on issues affecting patients. 

“We will continue two–way communication and co-operation between the practice and patients, and indeed other organisations in healthcare and the wider community to the mutual benefit of the patients.” 

The PPG will be holding a charity coffee morning from 10am till 12.20pm at Oak Tree Surgery on Wednesday, September 6. 

Patients of Oak Tree Surgery and Pensilva are being invited to drop in and learn more about the PPG, the Elephant machines and Cornwall Blood Bikes. 

Penny added: “Who [Cornwall Blood Bikes] do an amazing unpaid job collecting and couriering blood from surgeries and hospices to hospitals, covering an incredible 218,493 miles in 2021! Some of the volunteer bikers and their specialist bikes will be at Oak Tree to show us some of what they do, and all the proceeds from the coffee morning are going to Cornwall Blood Bikes to support their valuable work.” 

Anyone who is interested in a membership with the PGG, drop your name, mobile number and email into reception. PPG is open to all registered patients of Oak Tree and Pensilva Health Centre, inclusive of all genders and ethnicities.