Music in the Streets

As mentioned last week, we have been working with Liskeard Traders Association to promote a collaboration between themselves and local retailers in putting together a scheme whereby visitors to the Town will get discounts on their parking costs or bus fares at participating premises and, to ensure the town not only looks enticing for those visitors, there will be music in the streets to put shoppers in the Xmas spirit.

Liskeard Radio has put together a whole playlist of seasonal tracks, old and new, which will be playing out in Fore Street over the coming weeks courtesy of Traders Association Deputy Tracy Adams, who it has to be said, is an extremely enthusiastic advocate of Xmas in Liskeard.

The scheme starts on 1st November and, if successful, will hopefully continue into the new year

Liskeard Lights Up

At a meeting of the ‘Lights Up’ Committee this week it was confirmed that the  Liskeard Radio Roadshow will be setting up in the Town Square outside Webbs House, and at the entrance to the Cattle Market, providing the evenings music entertainment and supporting a whole host of great Xmas activities ahead of the big ‘switch on!’

More details of the event to follow.

Liskeard Fireworks Night

Ahead of the the Xmas run-up there is, of course, the Liskeard Lions Fireworks Night celebrations which are being held at Liskeard Rugby Club on Friday 3rd November.

Gates will open at 5.30pm with displays commencing at 7pm.

The Lions have organised an onsite catering van to accommodate the food and beverage needs of visitors.

Entry is just £5 for adults and young people under 16 will be admitted free if with an adult.

Parking will be at Liskeard Cricket Ground, weather permitting.

And, on the subject of weather, what a scene in Looe on Saturday evening!

Hallowe’en Party in Looe

Liskeard Radio presenter Mike Allsopp was due to be representing the station at Looe Social Club’s Hallowe’en Masked Ball, providing the music for what was hoped would be another fabulous night of entertainment following on from the 70s Charity Night in September.....and then it all happened!

All the factors that turn Looe Quayside into rivers came together and the whole town, including the main Millpool car park flooded moreso than in a number of years.

Quayside properties, including Looe Social Club, had water up to their doorsteps and others into their doorways.

All town centre streets and retail premises suffered the same fate causing them to be cordoned off until late into the evening.

Some properties, and nearby homes, lost electricity and it was a valiant and laudable effort by the local fire service that kept inviduals and properties safe.

Local businesses were counting the cost of flood damage over the weekend but still resolved to open their for the Masked Ball....there will be others I’m sure!