STAFF and students from Callington Space Centre worked alongside other science organisations at the BA Science festival recently. Students past and present ran an exhibit in the main hall of Exeter University, talking to people about the Space Centre as well as explaining the use of certain telescopes. Wednesday saw a special guest as Lord Winston spoke to Clive Purchase, the centre's resident astronomer, and the students about space within the education system. The space centre wasn't just promoting courses and the events on offer, but they also presented workshops on Cartesian divers and one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, to more than 200 students. Director of the centre Mike Grocott said: 'People are very interested in space and through this week they have been able to see what is available to them, and will hopefully visit Callington Space Centre. 'We have been particularly pleased with the International interest in the space centre. 'Members of the British Council for Thailand and Greece have expressed an interest in getting involved.'