THE rugby club in Saltash has issued a heartfelt appeal to local dog owners to help tackle a growing problem with pet waste on their playing fields.

Club officials say the issue is not just unpleasant, but also poses a serious health risk to players, particularly children who train and play on their pitches at Moorlands Lane and Chapel Field.

Saltash RFC say they pride themselves on fostering grassroots rugby for all ages, but have encountered multiple incidents in recent weeks where players and officials have had to deal with the dog excrement.

A club spokesperson said: “While we do check surfaces before training and games, we don’t always find it all. Our coaches and volunteers are not the people who should be picking up after your animal. Please consider others.”

Under UK law, failing to pick up after a dog in public places can result in fines, but the club is hoping to avoid taking a punitive approach. Instead, they are launching a community campaign, asking pet owners to be more responsible.