A PRE-PLANNED holiday saw Callington's portreeve miss the town's royal visit. Cllr Andrew Long could not be told of last week's visit from the Duke of Cornwall too far in advance for security reasons and already had a trip to Estonia booked. 'I had a holiday booked some time ago, to attend a graduation in Estonia, and I could not change the dates at short notice when I got to hear about this visit,' he said. 'Unfortunately, town clerk Lynda Small was sworn to secrecy when the invitation was received, for obvious security reasons, and so we did not know until after my tenure began.' The town clerk was also missing from the event as she, too, had holiday booked. Deputy portreeve Denise Winfindale and assistant clerk Jo Taylor attended on behalf of the council.
Portreeve missed visit
Thursday 22nd June 2006 10:00 pm
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