These days it is common, possibly even expected, for one to arrive at a musical event to find the stage awash with technology, all manner of gadgets that tweak and tune the performance just so. 

In some cases the technology even drives the core of the performance itself, leaving the musicians to fill in the gaps so to speak. However sometimes the only things between the soul of the musician and the ears of the audience is a guitar and a microphone and oftentimes these are the performances that reach a special part in all of us, leaving a lasting impression to carry with us for years to come.

 Ashley Harding impeccably embodies the latter – one man, his guitar and a whole lot of soul delivered with a genuine depth of character and heart-felt emotion that captivates from first note to last. Originally hailing from Cardiff, Ashley can now be found touring the many Pubs, Clubs and Venues across Cornwall and we caught up with the man himself to find out a little more about him.

Ashley Harding
Ashley Harding ( )

 PR: How long have you been playing the guitar and writing music - and if money was no object, which brand and model of guitar would you buy?

AH: 2023 marks 20 years of learning to play guitar and I can’t believe it! I’ve always made up little silly songs and written music in my head - I probably wrote the first one with a guitar at 12. My Guitar Wish-list would be another Fender Telecaster, Gibson 335, Martin D28, Gibson Les Paul… but I do love my guitars and would be happy to play them forever.

 PR: What other hobbies and pastimes do you have and how do you think they have shaped and influenced your music?

AH: I do really love sitting and playing guitar - I could come home from a two hour set and play for hours. Spending time at home with my family. I’ve just got into running and back into Thai Boxing and the Gym. I also love doing absolutely nothing when I get the chance. I’ve found that exercise or even getting the heart rate up and a sweat on blows out the cobwebs and clears my mind. 

PR: When you write music do you have a system, i.e. music first, lyrics first and what helps you come up with ideas?

AH: I write mostly driving or washing dishes. I have access to and can play any instrument in my mind. Most of the time I feel constricted when writing with a guitar in my hands - I pick up the guitar when it’s time to record a voice note of the idea for the song and to work out what I wrote in my head. Lyrics come from conversations, dreams, family, friends at any time at any place. I never go out of my way to force myself to write. If it isn’t happening, I make a note of it and walk away. So no system as of yet!

 PR: What are your Influences, bands and artists you admire and how have they affected what you play?

AH: I could list hundreds but to name a few, The Band, Little Feat, The Police, Eagles, Sturgill Simpson, John Holt, ELO, The Specials - growing up in Cardiff was a melting pot of cultures and I was lucky enough to play and hear lots of different types of music. I love Country and I guess everything that falls under the “Americana” umbrella and Reggae. Biggest influence or impact on me I would say JJ Cale, Willie Nelson, Terry Allen and John Prine. They’ve taught me to write about anything that compels you to write, no matter how daft you know it sounds, if it is something you believe in writing about then do it. Be yourself. Though ask me tomorrow and I could give you a different answer.

 PR: Describe Ashley Harding and your music/sound in three words.

AH: Country, Roots, Blues… I don’t want to paint myself into a corner when I love so many genres of music but I guess the term “Americana” is appropriate. I don’t know how I would describe myself.

 PR: Where’s best to find you online and when can we hope to catch you live?

AH: Facebook/instagram/YouTube - @ashleyjamesharding - I update my gig listings every month on my social media accounts so check them out.

 PR: If you could play live with another artist or band who would it be & why?

AH: “Terry Allen & The Panhandle Mystery Band” or “Willie Nelson and The Family” - songs and varying styles of music. Made up of individuals who come together to serve the songs and make something magical. No egos, just music. I would love to be a part of a band like that.

 PR: Do you have any recordings in the pipeline we can look forward to?

AH: I’ve been trying to get an album out for ages... it is coming and I’m writing album two and three.

 Ashley will be joining Neil & Leo on The Wal Of Paine Show, tomorrow from 7pm on Phluid Vision – Watch it Live and On-Demand at