Last weekend saw hundreds of people descend on Liskeard Rugby Club for the amazing 2023 Annual Relay for Life raising funds and awareness for Cancer Research - and we at Phluid Records were honoured to be asked to manage The New Music For Life Stage featuring our host with the most, Steve Prout, taking the stage to compere this great event and making sure everything ran smoothly.

With gloriously hot and sunny weather forecast, a great day was in store. Our very own Leo Paine was busy behind the scenes ensuring the bands sounded their best, with our roving cameraman Neil Walters catching all the colour and action of the weekend.

Our first act just after midday was Luke Middleton and his band playing an upbeat selection of music with many of Luke’s own compositions, including the event’s theme Song “The Relay for Life Song” which Luke himself composed and recorded which was received with rapturous applause and audience participation.

Next up was singer Emma Blyth who, if you were to make comparisons, had a voice that was up there with Adele’s... In fact one the many songs that she sang could well have made the short-list for the next James Bond theme. Full of energy, Emma clearly enjoys being up on the stage, as much as a soloist as when playing with her regular band.

Meanwhile, throughout the performances, the many assorted Relay for life teams were running their own side stalls as well as taking it in turns to walk the perimeter of the rugby pitch. Something they would continue to do for the next 24 hours.

3.00 pm saw an exceptionally talented singer-songwriter from the group Longtide take the stage for his solo performance, singing many self-penned songs. Barry, who usually has his band behind him, seemed in his element performing solo, earning many compliments from the audience - such was his stagecraft and vocal talents.

During the afternoon there were also performances from rhythmic drumming band Kernow Samba, as well as Keltique Choir who were also joined on stage once more by Luke Middleton for a choral backed rendition of “The Relay for Life Song”.

As dusk approached, Adam Hinks took to the stage with his guitar to delight the assembled crowd with hits from the likes of Ed Sheeran, amongst showcasing his own compositions... a super-talented young man who we’re sure we’ll be hearing much more from.

The final act of Day 1 was the delightful Ellie Brunt, who set a stratospheric high-bar opening with “I Have Nothing” by Whitney Houston. With a background in musical theatre, she had no trouble in hitting the high notes whilst singing many timeless classics. Pitch-perfect and professional, we’re certain Ellie has a prosperous musical future ahead of her.

As Saturday drew to a close the Candle of Hope Ceremony began, with candles being placed around the track in paper bags bearing individual messages and dedications to those living with cancer and those who are no longer with us. Taking this quiet time to walk the track and look at this spectacle, it was particularly poignant for Steve as he lost his Mother last year as well as two very close friends to cancer – and Leo who lost his Aunt a few years prior. Having also survived cancer himself, Steve felt that had the outcome been different one of those candles could have been for him. All in all, a very emotional end to a great day.

8.00 am Sunday saw the energetic Wake Up Shake Up encouraging us all to shake our stuff to a selection of up-beat dance music including the Eighties classic Superman by Black Lace.  Following which our very own Basedriver brought a Morning Mix of classics from the 60s to the 00s, clearing those last cobwebs after his 9 hour overnight mix for the Silent Disco.

Then, in a change to our published schedule, we were joined by debutant act, The Cougar Catchers. Despite being their first time on a big stage and with just one day’s notice, they gave it their all for almost two hours with covers from Talking Heads, Bob Dylan, Oasis and Elvis – providing a resoundingly rousing round-off to the weekend’s performances. Huge thanks to the guys for stepping in at short notice and trust us, we have not seen the last of them.

This brought us to 11.30, with the weekend’s various prize winners being announced as the event was drawn to a close by Carrie Richards, Chair of Relay for Life Liskeard. All in all a great weekend was had by all, with a mind-blowing £27,987.10 being raised for Cancer Research UK!  We really can’t wait to get involved with next year’s event, which will only get bigger and better!

To watch/listen again to the musical sets from the weekend, visit