Sometimes, a band comes along that makes you stop what you are doing and totally absorbs you with their musicality, song-writing, vocal harmonies and all-round musicianship. When you have listened to as many bands as we have at Phluid Records, and been around as long as we have at Phluid Records, sadly this happens less and less often.

Enter The Lucettas. A four-piece band in the “indie” genre, hailing from Essex. Their debut album, “Stop Boxing on the Platform” was released in March this year, and came to our attention through their following us on Instagram. We always love it when artists follow us @phluidrecords as it gives us opportunities to listen to music that may otherwise not immediately come to our attention.

Wal, from Phluid Records Wal of Paine show, looked up the band on line and  listened to the album...

Then listened to the album again...

Then listened to the album again...

Then messaged to band to see if they would be interested in zooming into this week’s show on Thursday night. Very kindly, the band agreed.

Made up of Tommy Garry (lead Vox and guitar), Sam Templeman (drums), Vincenzo Mancino (bass), and Lloyd Horner (lead guitar), the band are impossible to pigeon-hole. There is quite literally something of everything in their music, making it impossible to pick any single track as a stand-out on the album.

Steve Prout, (Prout’s night Out), has also been championing the band, as have BBC Introducing, where the band has been cited as being “Vastly experienced in live performance”

Having just completed their UK tour with Toploader, we can only hope that they are going to get busy writing more tunes. We can’t see any possibility of their having the “difficult second album syndrome”, as their talent is truly outstanding. Hopefully their next tour will also bring them closer to the West Country.

But don’t just take our word for it. You can check out the Lucettas on all the normal streaming sites, and watch their videos on YouTube. If you want to get in touch with the band directly, they can be contacted on [email protected]

As you may have picked up, we here at Phluid Towers, are super-stoked about having the guys on the show this week.

You can tune in to watch and listen by searching either phluidrecords or phluidvision, and drop into the chat room to ask any questions you may have. Last week Joolz Denby filled our chat room with one of our highest audience volume shows to date, and we hope this week will be a repeat performance.

We would happily wager Phluid Towers that The Lucettas are gonna be big...

Tune into the Wal of Paine Show tomorrow, and join Leo and Wal, to be one of the few people who will be able to utter those immortal lines... “I heard them before they were famous.”

Never mind Stop Boxing on the Platform.....start watching and listening to these guys on ALL platforms.

Phluid Records. Join the dialogue, not the narrative.

Anyway...Gotta go. We’re off to listen to  “Stop Boxing on the Platform” again