Taunton born and bred, 16-year-old ASHH is a solo artist, writing and performing his own material, as well as being the frontman for Exeter-based rock covers band Fyre Escape, and told Phluid he would love to perform with My Chemical Romance as his “dream collaboration”.

Growing up in a musical household ASHH says that music has always played a big part in his life.

“I started performing from a very young age, also enjoying acting for a time”, says ASHH. “I been have writing music since the age of 12”.

The two different musical sides to ASHH allow for a very broad creative spectrum.

“ASHH, with 2 aitches, came about purely as there were too many artists around using Ash. When writing my own music I have full control over what I do and the result is entirely my own creation. When performing in the band everyone has their own ideas which is different and incredible fun”.

“Fyre Escape was born a year ago, and when the group couldn’t think of a name for the band.....looking around I saw the FIRE ESCAPE sign and the rest as they say........”

With musical influences ranging from Pink Floyd to Radiohead, ASHH says that writing with his heart on his sleeve gives his lyrics Nowhere to hide.

“I don’t like mixed metaphors”, he states plainly.

ASHH’s creativity has been encouraged and welcomed by the Rock Project, Exeter where Fyre Escape formed. Thanking his incredibly supportive family ASHH told us he would never have found The Rock Project without his Mum, who drives the 2 hour round trip on a weekly basis. An undeniably proud Mum.....who can’t wait for ASHH to pass his driving test. You can find ASHH on Spotify and all the usual platforms and on instagram. @therealashmusic @fyreescapenand

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