LOCALS in Washaway, between Bodmin and Sladesbridge have launched a petition to reduce the speed limit of the road. 

They are calling for the reduction of the speed limit on the road from 60 mph, the national speed limit for a single-carriageway road. 

The petition has won the interest of Scott Mann, the local MP, who said he would be watching the petition with interest. 

John O’Carroll, who started the petition wrote: “The A389 road passing through the hamlet of Washaway in the parish of Egloshayle has a speed limit of 60 mph. However, this speed limit poses a serious threat to public safety, especially for local children and elderly residents. 

“Children regularly cross the road to get on and off the school bus, but due to speeding vehicles, they are at risk of accidents. Elderly residents also find it difficult to cross the road to access bus stops or post boxes and the local chapel of St. Conan. Moreover, it is increasingly challenging for drivers to exit driveways onto the road or enter from side roads due to high-speed traffic. 

“According to statistics from Cornwall Council’s Road Safety Team, there have been several accidents on this stretch of road in recent years. In 2019 alone, there were three recorded accidents resulting in injuries. 

“Therefore, we urge Cornwall Council and relevant authorities to reduce the speed limit on A389 through Washaway from 60 mph to 30 or 20 mph for reasons of public safety. This will help prevent accidents and ensure that everyone can use this vital route safely. 

“We believe that reducing the speed limit will make a significant difference in improving safety conditions along this stretch of road and protecting vulnerable members of our community. 

“Please sign this petition if you agree that reducing the speed limit is necessary for public safety in Washaway.” 

A spokesperson for Mr Mann said: “Scott is always in favour of measures that improve safety and supports the Vision Zero campaign to eliminate deaths on Cornwall’s roads. He looks forward to seeing how the petition progresses.” 

The petition can be viewed on the ‘Change.org’ website.