John Nunn, the Over 65 World Champion visits Liskeard Chess Club as part of the Bude Chess team.

Liskeard co-opted two players, Nigel Kirkman and Andy Young, from Calstock for this friendly match.

The match was seven boards, with each team playing black and white. The first round of matches resulted in a 4-4 tie, with Keith Brewer, Stephen Pearce and Aaron (Casper) Hands winning for Liskeard; Andy Young and Jim Newbould drew.

The second round of matches saw Don King step in for Stephen Pearce. Liskeard managed to win the second half 4-3, with Gary Trudeau, Keith Brewer, Andy Young and Casper Hands winning for Liskeard. Gary’s win was very pleasing, as it was a well-constructed checkmate against a much stronger opponent.

John Nunn reconstructed several positions that occurred during the matches, and gave his expert opinion as a tutorial, at the end of the evening. The evening was enjoyed by all that attended.

Liskeard Chess Club now meets on Monday evenings at 7.30pm, in the Vestry at Menheniot Church.