A MAN on a weight-loss journey from Saltash says he has found his ‘happy space’ thanks to his local leisure centre.

In February 2023, Nigel Cape, 58, weighed in at 125 kilos — more than 19.5 stone. Now, fifteen months later, Nigel is 35 kilos lighter and a regular 10-kilometre runner.

As the site quality lead for an aerospace company Nigel, from Saltash, was spending many hours attending UK and US online meetings across the two international time zones.

Losing a member of his team to sudden cardiac arrest and having another on long-term sick leave following a heart attack, brought home the need to slim down and get fitter.

“I knew I was in a rut,” he said. “I was tired all the time, very conscious about the way I looked, and one of my colleagues of a similar age and size had passed away.”

Nigel started dieting and was initially successful in shedding the pounds. When his weight began to plateau, he went to see his GP and was given a referral to the physical activity Healthwise scheme at Saltash Leisure Centre.

“It’s broken me out of the lifestyle cycle I was in and transformed the way I feel,” he said. “I do 30 minutes exercise each day, visit the gym twice a week and eat sensibly. I don’t do fad diets but set myself small, achievable goals.

“One of those was to begin the couch to 5k training plan when I reached 100 kilos. Now I weigh 90 kilos and am regularly running 10k. If anyone had told me I’d be doing that two years ago, I’d never have believed them.”

Nigel has become such a convert to the Healthwise approach that he has persuaded his wife and son to join him at the gym.

“I can honestly say that I’m in a much happier space now, both mentally and physically. By making exercise part of my everyday routine, I’m more energetic, no longer sensitive about my appearance and a good deal healthier.”

For more information, visit www.better.org.uk/what-we-offer/activities/healthwise