In this week’s Cornish Times, a Looe mum gives her heartwrenching account of the evening her teeanage son fell from a cliff onto the rocks, breaking bones all over his body. With the tide coming in, RNLI volunteers raced to his aid. She’s written a deeply heartfelt thanks to the crew and the local people who gave the family support that night.

Inside the paper we hear how non-essential shops began to reopen this week, and how Town Councils are discussing ideas with traders and residents about how best to make the process easier both for businesses and shoppers. One way systems, temporary pedestrianisation and a different approach to parking are all on the cards.

In the new edition we feature a volunteer who has given no fewer than 66 years of volunteering commitment to the ambulance service, and a real-life Disney Princess who has helped to raise thousands for the NHS, while treating local frontline staff to boxes full of goodies each week.

One group of essential workers who have been putting in the hard graft during the pandemic and that we don’t always hear about are vets and veterinary nurses. The Cornwall Veterinary Association says there has been a worrying amount of aggressive and abusive behaviour from clients who are not happy with the temporary coronavirus rules.

Meanwhile, if like many people you’ve missed being able to go to Menheniot Cherry Fayre this year, the scarecrown competition has at least provided some entertaining and creative sights around the village, and we’ve got a spread of photos to enjoy.

This week’s Sports section is a cracker, and starts with a feature from the Tamar Trotters running club. Their members give us the low down on taking up running at all ages – and some inspiring stories show us that age is no barrier to the sport.

Inside the section there’s a profile on one young forward to look out for on the Saltash United team, and a review of the St Piran League season from the point of view of Callington Town.

Leading the back page is editor Nigel Walrond’s interview with Ashes manager Matt Cusack and his prediction that the fight for the silverware will be more intense than ever in 2020-21.

Also in the Cornish Times this week is our informative Open for Business section, with information and news on local and national business matters, the Farming pages, Puzzles, and Nature Watch with Ray Roberts.

Look out for your copy of The Cornish Times, out in the shops from this afternoon!