An horrendous week of heavy rain and high winds courtesy of storm Ciaran caused damage, flooding and disruption to many small local towns and whilst the clean up operations have been mostly successful there was always the danger of further storms affecting the bonfire weekend events.

Lions Fireworks

Friday night saw Liskeard Lions’ fireworks display at the towns Rugby Ground.

I popped along and was pleased to see the weather was clear, indeed clear enough to watch the International Space Station track across the evening sky...I wonder if they could see us?

The Lions tent was, happily, serving all manner of burgers and hot dogs, teas and coffees and by the time the display was due to kick off the crowds had swelled to around I’m glad I got in early!

The display itself was magnificent and drew all the usual intakes of breath and cheers from children of all ages right up til the final applause. It was a great turnout with the Lions Team, plus the Deputy Mayor Christina Whitty, deserving praise for a well organised event.

Traders Parking Scheme Update

The Liskeard Traders Xmas Parking Scheme is now underway and it has been heartening that members of the public have been donating their savings to the various charities supported by the local retailers participating in the scheme.

It will continue throughout the Xmas so make sure you take advantage and support your local retailers 

I am personally looking forward to a couple of interviews to be broadcast live on Liskeard Radio in the coming weeks

Burned - The Spy South Africa Never Caught

The first is the incredible story of Cornwalls Sue Dobson whose book ‘Burned’ is a compelling story of her life as a young, conciencous, white girl in 1970s ‘Apartheid’ South Africa.

It charts how she lived a ‘legend’ - a life where she pretends to conform, moving easily through the higher echelons of the racist, minority white-rule, government in her work as a journalist whilst concealing both her espionage and military training in the Soviet Union and her intelligence work for the banned African National Congress.

You’ll learn about the leaders she met, the very personal lengths she was prepared to go to in order to extract the information vital to the cause she held so dear and how, with her cover blown, she had to make her escape with the Apartheid Security Police snapping at her heels and her life in jeopardy.

This will be a fascinating, LIVE studio interview so make sure you keep your eye on our schedule and social media for announcements.

Imogen Early

This young local artist, singer-songwriter,  will be joining us LIVE to discuss her music and treating us to some tracks from her new album...more information to follow.

Details of upcoming events will feature on our website and, of course, our Facebook page Liskeard Radio as soon as confirmed.