THIS year’s Liskeard Lions pantomime of ‘Peter Pan’ was a roaring success.

It was a full house for the first two performance evenings as the actors took the audience on a magical journey to Neverland.

Lisa Ince, vice president of the Liskeard Lions said: “I would like to thank everyone who came along to support our pantomime this year. We have had some amazing comments to say how good it was this year. The audience were exceptional with not only selling out but their responses in booing and cheering the cast members. A massive thank you goes to our volunteers who gave their time at rehearsals including us as Lions.

Looking forward to next year’s pantomime and if anyone would like to be involved in the next one please contact the Lions through our Facebook page.”

Cllr Simon Cassidy added: “Once again, another truly amazing performance from the Liskeard Lions at their annual pantomime as they wowed the crowds with Peter Pan.

“Huge thanks to them, and all the volunteers that make this annual event such a success.”