The Cornish Times received a letter, it said:

"Having just read the news report in last week’s Cornish Times [May 31st 2023] about the heated debate on the new, recently introduced, parking charges. Councillor Toms [Looe] voiced a passioned plea for the Council to review the new charges, in particular, those that will cause damage to the local businesses and have a serious impact on the residents. It is one that is being voiced by locals throughout Cornwall but little if any account appears to have been taken of their concerns. To quote the comment by one councillor, “this is profoundly stupid”.

"What of Liskeard the town I live in.

"The new charges have taken away the evening free parking and will impact the ‘evening economy’ making it very difficult for those who can only shop after 4 pm. 

"Is it the intention of the Council to drive all residents to use the out-of-town supermarkets thereby losing trade to local services?

"Do you believe that our High Street is so worthless that you agree with this policy? 

"Has any thought been given to those who, through disability and/or age, need to use the car to in order to buy their essential food and collect their medication but have to wait until after 4pm?

"If we must suffer these new charges why is there no discount for multiple hours stay?

"Is Liskeard so inundated with tourists that we need to charge on a Sunday or after 4pm? What possible value is there to this change?

"What impact, if any, would Liskeard see from these additional charges? 

"In the seven years since we moved to the area the carparks have had nothing done to them to improve them, excluding the very recent addition of electrical vehicle charging points and, of course, new pay machines. The white line markings in all the car parks are no longer fit for purpose as they are too narrow to accommodate modern cars, and many are so worn out that it is impossible to see them. The road surfaces are in a very poor condition and with little safety for pedestrians walking across from their cars to the local shops.

"Finally, why cannot we transfer unused time on our parking ticket between the three centre town car parks? The ticket issued from a machine shows the date, vehicle number and the cessation time. This is sufficient for any parking warden to determine if the vehicle is valid for parking purposes? This would enable those spending less than an hour in town but having to use multiple car parks multiple charges. Or is this yet again the Council’s way of raising more money?"