A fundraising appeal has been launched to help pay for the funeral of a teenager who was tragically killed in a road traffic accident near Liskeard.

A JustGiving page has been started to help give 18-year-old Jamie Lane a special send off, which has already raised £4,140.

Jamie was one of three people who died when a BMW crashed on the A390 at At Ive and burst into flames shortly before midnight on Tuesday, April 18.

Jamie lost his life alongside his friend Luke Warner, 16, and a man aged 30.

Sandra Mitchell, who launched the appeal, said: “Jamie tragically lost his life in a car accident on 18th April 2023. He was just 18 and should have had a long life ahead of him. "His family are naturally devastated at losing Jamie so tragically and at such a young age.  "He was a much loved son, brother, uncle, nephew and brother-in-law, as well as being a very popular character in town. His cheeky grin and wicked sense of humour enriched the lives of so many.

"This town has lost an honest, kind, caring and decent young man and he will be so deeply missed by his family and his friends.  "It would be wonderful to give Jamie the amazing send off he deserves.

"The cost of funerals have risen, and at just 18, Jamie had no funeral plan, nor is there any grant available, yet it would be fitting that Jamie has the funeral he deserves. “So I am asking family, friends, friends of friends, locals and even non locals, to join with us in giving him a wonderful final send off by donating to this fund. “In loving memory of Jamie Lane.”

Anyone who would like to make a donation cane visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jamielane0902?utm_term=zekzGKMVK