A GROUP of friends will be hiking 120km in three days along the Tamara Coast path to raise money for Landulph School.

James, Andy, Ben, Frank, Arron, Chris, Dan, Steve, Christian and Brian will be trudging along the Tamara Coast to Coast way path across the span of three days kicking off their walk in Morwenstow.

The group of 10 will be setting off on May 10 and will traverse along the Tamar Valley following the River Tamar from its source to conclude their expedition on May 12 at Landulph School.

Day one will see the group walk 24 miles, day two will be 29 and the last day will cover 21 miles – they will also be camping along the way.

The walking route will take the group along the river criss-crossing at a variety of points – there is also an option to walk on the Cornish or Devon side for various stretches along the way.

Along the way, the group are expecting other parents and children to join in their adventure. Their collective effort will culminate into a larger group supporting the final push to the school on the last day.

The groups aim is to raise £750 for Landulph where their children attend – so far £604 has been raised via the GoFundMe page.

The money raised will go straight towards supporting the children of the school.

Landulph School was established in 1923 and is set close to the River Tamar within an area of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.