Devon and Cornwall Police have completed a ‘Pubs against Drugs’ operation in Liskeard.

On Friday, August 4, a Devon and Cornwall Police team were seen working in and around the pubs of the town.

“Police were working with licensed premises to support the public for safer nights out, no drugs, just alcohol, in an operation called ‘Pubs Against Drugs’,” a spokesperson explained.

The operation was organised and run by the Liskeard sector neighbourhood teams and supported by officers from Operation Servator, student officers, special constables and passive drugs dog, PC Skye and her handler, PC Waters.

Working as a team, the police entered a number of pubs giving the following results:

The White Horse Inn

Six persons stopped and searched, of which two were positive for controlled drugs – when tested, one was cannabis and one was cocaine. Both male and female toilets wiped which indicated cocaine residue.

JJ’s Bar

One person stop-searched, however negative for controlled drugs. Both male and female toilets wiped which indicated cocaine residue.

The King Doniert (Weatherspoons)

Three persons stop-searched however negative for controlled drugs. Both male and female toilets wiped which indicated cocaine residue.

Liskeard Tavern

Three person stop searches carried out however all werer negative for controlled drugs. Both toilets wiped with no indication of cocaine residue.

A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesperson added: “Whilst only a small amount of controlled drugs were taken off the street, the policing presence promoted public confidence in a manner that is about making streets safer for night time economy.

“All the premises supervisors in the pubs were welcoming and happy to allow us to conduct what we needed to do. Any person found in possession was removed from the licenced premises and dealt with appropriately.”