
Video Group

At their 2024 Mayfair Film Show the Saltash Video Group which was formed in 1963, excelled in their showing of the changing face of Saltash over the past 61 years.

The group delighted the audience that had packed the hall to capacity at Ashtorre Rock.

There was a variety of films from the past six decades, which included Mayfair 1979 with the colourful carnival of dozens of floats, teams of majorettes and street dancing, where crowds of people lined the streets from Warfelton Field circling the town.

There was a most touching film of Princess Diana’s visit to Saltash to open the newly built SHADO Centre in 1989.

The group also featured quite a remarkable film of the famous Rolls Royce 46-PK which was owned by the late Dick Coombe of Antony Passage.

The other highlight of the evening was the Newsreel which took the audience through past times of Regattas, Donkey Derbys, Emergency Services days, Field events, Pageants and Concerts. Further, there were colourful town events over the past 60 years featuring well known characters; much to the enjoyment and amusement to all those present.

Moreover, the group transported their audience to Burrator Reservoir during near drought conditions, but also when it was near full.

Furthermore, there was a fascinating visit to Addicroft Mill; a 19th century Watermill at Linkinhorne, near Liskeard. The Mill has a waterwheel which the audience absorbed the Mill owner baking bread, with the primitive oven powered by the waterwheel, which was quite riveting to watch.

Although over the centuries the Mill House had been altered and enlarged, the Mill building and its machinery were still complete and most unusually being in full working order.

It was an gripping evening of reflection and watching and listening to people with voices from the distant past, and many sadly no longer with us such as Pat May, Arthur Dawson, Brian Whipp and so many others, which made the evening even more intriguing.

In her vote of thanks to the Saltash Video Group (formerly Saltash Cine Group), long standing supporter for over 50 years, Sue Hooper said that the whole evening was a merry-go-round of history, fun, laughter and nostalgia. Sue thanked the small team that has kept the Saltash Video Club running for many decades – (Alan and Sheila Barrett, Gerald Dinnis and Anne-Marie Turner). Sue added that without their joint commitment to the documenting and recording of Saltash and further afield events, there would be nothing to celebrate and remember of all the wonderful community occasions - for this Sue said we were all truly grateful.

Chairman Alan Barrett concluded the evening by thanking everyone present and past for the many years of supporting the group and indeed, their work in preserving Saltash’s history for generations to come. At the same time Alan put out an appeal for people to join their group and to learn the art of film making, editing and enjoyment. He also emphasised that it was imperative to attract new membership to ensure the continuity of the Saltash Video Group in perpetuity, as this current group could not thrive without new blood.

St Ive 

Unity Methodist Church

The Unity Methodist Church at St Ive will be holding their church anniversary service on Sunday, June 9, starting 10.30am at the Village Hall. 

The service will be led by members of the congregation. This will also be the 'Greenshoots' service shared with our sister chapel's of Bealbury and Blunts. There will be refreshments to follow the service. All are welcome to come and share with this time of celebration.

Advance notice — St Ive Parish Church, Unity Methodist Church at St Ive and St Ive Village Hall. Invite you to a concert to be led by Burraton Male Choir, with Miss Claire Fry (flute) and The Burraton Boys. On Saturday, June 15, starting at 7pm. 

Held at St Ive Parish Church. Entry by donation. Refreshments available. Funds raised will be shared between theParish Church, Unity Methodist Church Village Hall. All are welcome.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

Food for Thought will be on June 7 (with bacon baps) at 9.30am.

Sunday service on June 9 with Norman Rowe at 10am.


Amenities Bingo Evening

Wednesday, June 12, at Lanreath Village Hall.

Doors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm. Full house prizes include Baskets of fruit/chicken/meat dinners

Also first and second line prizes, money game, raffle. Tea/coffee interval or facilities in the hall include a licensed bar.

Do come and join us all monies raised goes back into the community.

Village hall

A car boot will be held on Jun 16 from 9am to 1pm at Lanreath PL13 2NX  (weather permitting).

No flammable materials, gas cylinders, alcohol, live animals, fireworks, counterfeit goods, tobacco, weapons or medication.

This is a fundraiser for Lanreath Village Hall.

Contact [email protected] or contact Dawn on 07949 355399.


Methodist Church

The members of Callington Methodist Church were pleased to support Callington Mayfest again this year.  Our Giant Aslan proudly took part in the parade and we would like to thank Mark Gregory and Biddy Daniel for leading our workshops and guiding us through the creation process.  We were also able to provide light refreshments in the Church Field, thanks to everyone involved.

Callington Methodist Church's Giant Aslan for Callington Mayfest 2024
Callington Methodist Church's Giant Aslan for Callington Mayfest 2024 ( )

During Half Term we held a session of our Creation Stations which included food, clay modelling, animal crafts, Father's Day gift boxes and cards and story corner.  A large number of people of all ages attended.  Thanks to those who helped with the refreshments and headed up the craft tables.   

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St. Cleer PL14 5EA at 9:45 for breakfast.  The morning service starts at 10.30am.  All are welcome, whatever their background or belief.


Football Club

Lanreath Football Club 150 Draw May 2024 — 1st prize, Shaun Edwards £30; 2nd prize, Sophie Boxall £20; 3rd prize, Tina Barlow £10.


St Melor’s Church

Morning prayer will be held at 10am on Monday and Wednesday.

Holy Communion will be with Canon Ricahrd Maynard at 11am on Sunday, June 9.

St Paul’s Church

There will be an all age service at St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, at 10am on Sunday.

Recycling for Charity Project

The Blue Bins went to Callington MayFest on Saturday, May 11, to spread the word about recycling for south-hill charity recycling SHARE. There are blue bins in the parish hall car park at Upton Cross to help this charity.

If in doubt ask Ali Humphreys on 07305 044049 or Ursula on 01579 362164

Items that can be given include: Packets from crisps, snacks, biscuits, tea and coffee, cheese and crumpets, bread bags, including baps, rolls, wraps, naans, and bagels. Also make-up, tubes and pots from suntan lotions, chap sticks, moisturisers and ointments, ink cartridges, Pringle tubes, Marigold gloves, old pens, and toothbrushes.

Ursula and Ali wish to thank everyone for their fantastic support and to date with your help £15,000 has been raised so far!

More info can be found via

History and Community Archive Group

This group has been suspended for some time but now needs new Officers and committee members if it is to be reinstated. In the past there were interesting monthly speakers and the occasional walk within the Linkinhorne parish to areas of historical interest.

A handful of members have managed to continue digitising interesting photographs and written items collected from the public or researched by them. They have also continued with the Grave Project by photographing and transcribing the information from the grave stones which can now be found on the Cornish Graves website.

If anyone is interested to become involved attend the annual general meeting on Tuesday, June 11, in Rilla Mill Village Hall at 7.30pm.