Tamar Valley
Male Voice Choir
Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir are celebrating their 18th birthday this year, so you can say that they have truly come of age. To celebrate this special event there is a full programme of concerts throughout Cornwall and Devon in support of local and national charities. They will be performing a wide range of songs, some older, and some younger than themselves, but always delivered with their rich voices and enthusiasm under the watchful eye of their Director of Music, Rosemary Cole, and accompanied by David Crocker.
As part of this special year’s celebrations you can enjoy the choir singing in their Annual Gala Concert at St Eustachius’, Tavistock on Saturday, June 29, commencing at 7.30pm. Entrance is by ticket, with free entrance for under 14’s. Tickets are available online at tamarvalleymvc.com, the Guildhall Information Centre, Book Stop, or at the door on the night.
TVMVC have invited a popular local folk duo, Silvington, to appear with them at the concert. They are based in Plymouth and were formed in 2016, when these two established performers realised it was “folk at first sight”. The concert is to be compered by the well known local personality, Justin Leigh, who is also president of the choir. So come along and enjoy an evening of quality entertainment.
Women’s Institute
On Thursday, June 6, Kate Sibborn, president, welcomed 13 members. There were five apologies for absence.
Instead of the usual rendition of Jerusalem we were invited to spend a few minutes in silent contemplation and remembrance of D-Day, 80 years ago.
Richard Harding was then introduced to give us a talk on the Norton Barton Artisan Food Village bear Bude. He explained after years of working in the City of London as an investment Banker he noticed the emerging market especially in Eastern Europe and Asia. In the late 1990’s during a mid-life crisis he bought a 350-acre farm in North Cornwall “in the middle of nowhere” as he described it. The only farming knowledge he admits he had was from the radio programme “The Archers”!
Starting with making silage they managed to get through their first two years with the help of neighbouring farmers. Eventually, like “The Good Life” ending up with 300 sheep, two pregnant sows, some geese, ducks and chickens. Things began going in the wrong direction though and needed rationalisation, so they looked towards making products, such as bacon, ham, sausages and sausage rolls, all with a short shelf life, to sell at a nearby market. Eventually, after four years they established their Cornish charcuterie and Jerk meats. Through co-operation with D Rhodda (the Cornish milk and cream producer) and with Defra through Food Compliance and Food Safety it became a cluster of them, and this became the North Barton Artisan Village in 2016. The range expanded to include cheese, charcuterie, Popti savoury biscuits and eventually they managed to obtain a distilling licence, and set up a distillery to make gin, cacao and spiced rum, this with the aid of a young local man called Tom, who has a PhD in biochemistry and who is now a partner.
Work on the range continues at a pace expanding the cheeses, using the whey in their buttermilk biscuits and a creamy vodka. Environmental work on the premises includes a wind-turbine producing 95 per cent of the energy needed in their production. They even have derelict buildings housing 13 different species of bat, and rare maternal bat roosts with hares, hawks and a nesting barn owl. They now have their own sales team serving 500 farm shops nationally, and employ 22 people, increasing to 40 at Christmastime. They supply Fortnum and Mason with their pâté and Harvey Nichols with Popti savoury biscuits and pâté, along with Jamaica Inn Rum, and their products are found locally at the Westgate Delicatessen in Launceston. All this will become their legacy for Cornwall’s future.
Kate Sibborn gave Richard a very appreciative vote of thanks for such an inspirational talk. Finally, Richard kindly donated samples of his products for us to take home for which he was warmly thanked.
After refreshments we continued with the business part of the meeting. The Minutes of the last meeting on May 2 were circulated in advance and duly approved and signed. There were no Matters Arising. Tricia Allen gave the financial report saying all was in good order once again, having paid our members’ subscriptions to CFWI by the end of April as required. Forthcoming events were discussed such as the Launceston Show with still time to add more entries by June 10, and the “Nature Moves” ballet at Stertz on Saturday, July 27, at 2pm. The competition this month was for an unusual cookie cutter which was won by Mo Juby, with Maggie Clements second and Mags Branch third. The raffle was won by Chris Evans. All were congratulated on their success. It was noted that our meeting on July 4 will be held in the church hall instead of the village hall which will be in use as a polling station for the General Election. Helen Naylor and Kate Sibborn will demonstrate a flower arrangement in a teacup and saucer. As always prospective members and guests are welcome to join us.
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held on Monday and Wednesday at 10am.
Morning prayer will be held at 11am on Sunday, June 23.
St Paul's Church
Meet and Eat Breakfast at the Cross Link Centre will be held on Sunday, June 23, at 10am.
Women’s Institute
Member, Maxine Browne reports that the May meeting at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross did not go quite according to plan. Speaker Joanne Shepherd (aka Mrs Miracle) had to cancel on the day due to illness. However, President Kim Sudell came to the recue hosting an entertaining quiz on flowers which was much enjoyed by all.
As May is the start of the Institute’s new year, it was also the month in which the annual prizes for the competitions are handed out. Muriel Brown won the weekly competition and the runners-up were Marion Turner and Mavis Macleod. Muriel also won the flower competition and Marion was again the runner-up.
The day following the meeting seven members enjoyed a meal at The Tavern by the Premier Inn. Sadly The Tavern is closing in July.
For more information of this institute contact the president via [email protected]
History and Community Archive Group
The Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday, June 11, in Rilla Mill Village Hall with a small attendance.
The present officers and committee has stood down and new Officers were elected. Those being - chair Sally Ellicott, secretary Carol Cottam and treasurer Simon Hordley. Antoinette Headon agreed to continue as a committee member and others will be needed please.
If interested to be involved to allow this group to continue contact Sally on 01579 362251.
The Big Do
On Saturday, July 20, come along to ‘The Big Do’ in the field from noon until 4pm.
There will be a BBQ, cream teas, cakes, sideshows, Family Dog Show at approximately 2pm entries taken on the day, flower, vegetable and handicraft show in the village hall.
A real village fete! Venue Mount, Bodmin PL30 4ES - follow the signs.
United Church
Knit & Knatter — Thursday, June 20, at 2pm.
There will be no service at Dobwalls United Church on Sunday, June 23.
St Cleer
LEVOW KESSON will be performing Music for a Summer's Evening in St Cleer Church on Saturday, June 29, at 7pm.
A beautiful selection of choral music from composers across the world with guest soloists. Refreshments. Raffle. Free admission with retiring donations for St Cleer Church. Everyone welcome.
Cleerway Community Church
Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.
The morning service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.
St Pinnock
‘Food for Thought’ will be held on June 21 at 9.30am.
On June 22 there will be a Well Spring Service at Royal Cornwall Showground at 2.30pm.
St Ive
Parish Church
United morning service, to be held at St Ive Village Hall on Sunday, June 23, starting at 10.30am. Will be led by Julian Langston. All are welcome to come and share is this service.
Also at St Ive Parish Church on Sunday, June 23, a sung Evensong will be held at 4.30pm, with the Callington Singers.
Reference to follow. All are welcome.