A Cornish Town Council has issued a statement after receiving reports of damage and removal of flowers and plants in the town's cemeteries.
Bodmin Town Council, which operates the burial sites in the town has said they've received a few reports of flowers and plants being disturbed, damaged, or removed in their cemeteries due to suspected vandalism.
In a statement published on their social media pages, the town council has revealed that the majority of reported incidents are due to deer grazing on the sites.
They've said that while they cannot be certain that flower or plant disturbances, removal, or damage can always be due to deer grazing, on most occasions, says the Council, this does seem to be the case upon the reported incidents being further investigated.
In addition, the Council has said that because the deer are a part of the ecology and surrounding countryside in Bodmin, there is little they can do to deter the them, although they will always remain vigilant and keen to investigate any incidents of suspected vandalism.

A spokesperson for Bodmin Town Council said: "Bodmin Town Council has received a few reports of flowers and plants being disturbed, removed, or damaged in our cemeteries due to suspected vandalism. Bodmin Town Council has known for a while now that deer like to visit our cemeteries and we have suspected they do like to eat certain flowers. Upon further investigation, we have found evidence of deer damage to flowers (bitten flower stems) along with deer tracks next to the damage.
"Whilst we cannot always be certain that flower and plant disturbance, removal, or damage in the cemeteries is always due to deer grazing, on most occasions this does seem to be the case when these incidents have been reported to us and investigated.
"We do appreciate that any damage to flowers left to remember loved ones can be upsetting and distressing. However, the Estates team here at Bodmin Town Council is always vigilant and keen to investigate incidents of suspected vandalism. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to deter deer from our cemeteries as they are part of the ecology of the surrounding countryside here in Bodmin."