THIS spring, people who live and work in Saltash are being asked for their views about how to improve the connections between Saltash Waterside, the town centre and further afield, as well as attracting more visitors to Saltash.

From March 22 to April 7, Saltash Town Council will be consulting the public on the ideas developed so far and asking for local residents to get involved.

This project is specifically looking at the feasibility of; sustainable, innovative and traditional transport options linking the town centre to Saltash Waterside, reintroducing water transport locally and along the River Tamar and beyond, circular routes linking existing footpaths, cycle routes, railway and bus routes and public realm and infrastructure improvements.

The highlight of the consultation will be a drop-in style public consultation exhibition on Easter Saturday (March 30) from 10am to 4pm at Ashtorre Rock, on the Saltash Waterside. The consultation event will coincide with a ‘public transport trial’ which will showcase some of the different methods of transport on land and water that are being explored as part of the final solution, including the opportunity to have a go in a tuk-tuk, ride a land train, take a journey around town in Saltash Red Bus and try a Beryl Bike, all for free.

Cllr Richard Bickford chairman of Saltash Town Council said: “We believe that making Saltash better connected could have real benefits for our community.  Hopefully, attracting more people to Saltash, helping our local economy as well as allowing people to use the town and enjoy Saltash Waterside in an easier, and more sustainable way, negating our notoriously steep hills.

“We are asking for the opinions of those who live in, work in and visit Saltash. How do you think Saltash Waterside could be better connected to the town centre?  What would encourage you to visit Saltash Waterside more?  We would like to hear from all, giving a cross section of views, to help us shape ideas that will really benefit our community.”

Following a tender process commissioned by Saltash Town Council, Architecture by Studio Hive and their consultant team, including internationally renowned marine consulting engineers, Beckett Rankine, have been exploring initial ideas for improving Saltash Waterside area.

Feedback from local people and businesses will inform the preferred scheme which will be presented to the town council at the end of April 2024.

If approved Saltash Town Council will then seek further funding to enable the project to move ahead to achieve positive environmental, social and economic benefits for the town. 

Saltash Town Council has secured funding for this feasibility study for the Saltash Town, Waterside and River Links Connectivity Project. The funding was awarded through Cornwall Council, from the government’s Community Levelling Up Programme and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.