A company in Calstock who make prosthetics for women who have undergone a mastectomy has recently celebrated their approval of a US patent.

Boost Innovations Ltd founder and CEO Sam Jackman started the business four years ago with her friend Rosie Brave and has been developing and creating ideas with her mother, Sue Jackman, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy 16 years ago.

Sam spoke of her mother’s troubles with her breast prosthesis that she was given after treatment: “It made her sweaty, it was hot and it was uncomfortable against her scar. It was also heavy, and pulled her clothing down when she moved. In the end, she refused to wear it.

“But there were times when she felt it would be nice to have some shape under her clothes, yet we struggled to find any alternatives.”

In the end, Sam decided if nobody else was going to make it their mission they would do it themselves.

Sam explained how her business got off the ground: “Speaking to real women and working with them helped us get our company off the ground and gave us the confidence to understand the potential of the products we could offer.”

She said talking to other women, who shared similar experiences, sparked her want to not only help her mother but help other women with the same issues.

Recently Sam has started to create contacts and eventually hopes to start a business in the US to help achieve their aim ‘to find ways to reach women across the world whose lives might benefit from our products.’

Sam hopes this could encourage other small businesses across Cornwall to consider growth overseas, and access the support available.

Sam also mentioned some of the difficulties that other businesses like hers could face entering this market: “Entering the US the healthcare system is very different to the UK and women’s body shapes and bra sizing systems also require us to tailor our approach for US customers.”

Sam said she is always changing and developing her product to help even more women: “We’re always listening to what people are telling us, so we have a development and design pipeline that responds to women’s needs.

“We are currently developing a new shape of breast form to add to our range, which is very exciting!’

For more information about Boost, visit wewearboost.com