PUBS in two neighbouring villages near Liskeard have both closed within days of each other due to the rising cost of living.

The Crow’s Nest Inn had its last day of opening on January 4.

The landlords stated that “economic circumstances and changes in our personal circumstances” were behind the decision.

They said: “It’s been an amazing four years that wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t have the amazing customers and staff past and present - too many to name but you know you are all heroes.”

Many people went online to say how sad they were about the news, with one describing the closure as a “huge loss to the community”.

Locals are now hoping that the St Austell Brewery will find new tenants for the Crow’s Nest.

Meanwhile, the Victoria Inn in Pensilva has closed its doors permanently, say its owners, because of the rising cost of living.

The pub, which reopened last summer after renovations, had proved popular for its carveries and themed menu nights.

But in an announcement made on Boxing Day, the landlords told customers that it would be the last day of trading “due to the current economic climate and rising costs”.

They said: “We have always supported the locals and welcomed them but due to the current times and everyone’s circumstances, unfortunately we cannot continue to put money into it.

“We would like to thank those who have supported us since the revamp and opening of the pub in July.”

Regulars of the pub have expressed their sadness and disappointment, with one saying: “Such a great shame, a pity the pub wasn’t supported as well as it could have been! Thank you for the great times we have had over the last 10 odd years. Your energy and endless effort and financial investment to keep a village pub going are commendable.”