Mayor's Ball

One of the highlights of the civic calendar in Torpoint takes place later this month.

The Mayor's Ball will be held on Friday, February 25, from 7pm to 12.45am at Torpoint School.

Town Mayor Bob Cross has sent invitations to local mayors, South East Cornwall MP Colin Breed and Commodore Roger Lockwood of HMS Raleigh.

The function will feature a four-course dinner and dancing to the Torpoint band, Gavin and the Grimnotes, who play all types of music.

Mr Cross said: "I'm hoping 180 people will attend. Tickets cost £24 and are available on 01752 812184."

Proceeds from the event will go to the mayor's charity, CLIC (Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood Trust).

Brownies Sleep-over

Brownies from Torpoint chose the longest night of the year for a fundraising sleep-over.

Twenty-two members of the 2nd Torpoint Brownie Pack and five leaders spent the night in the hall of St James Church in the town centre on December 21.

Brown Owl Christine Roper said with a smile: "It was the longest night and, believe me, it was the 'longest' night! The children were very excited and didn't go to sleep till late. Then the town clock on top of the church chimed every hour through the night and kept us awake!"

The Brownies who use the church hall for meetings and attend the church for parades and services raised £80 for the church roof appeal. A further £70 was raised for CLIC (Cancer and Leukaemia in Childhood Trust).

The Vicar of Torpoint, the Rev James Warren, will be presented with a cheque for the roof appeal on February 15.

Artists Exhibition

A group of artists from Torpoint combined forces to stage an exhibition at the town's library.

Eye-catching sculpture, wood carvings, pottery, jewellery and paintings featured in the exhibition which ended this week.

Among the artists taking part were Christine Mac, Pauline Ashley and Sydney More.

Torpoint artist Mike Howells, who works in watercolours and acrylics, is exhibiting at the library this month.

Military Concert

A Military band concert will be given at HMS Raleigh in Torpoint on Wednesday (Feb 9). The Band of HM Royal Marines under Major Barrie Mills will perform at the Church of St Paul on the naval base. The concert starts at 7.30pm and tickets are available from 01752 814560.

Line Dancing

Line dancing classes for absolute beginners are due to begin in Torpoint tonight (Friday, February 4).

The classes with Jan from the Jade Strutters will run from 7pm to 8pm in the Army Cadet Hall on Antony Road.

Further line dancing will take place in the hall from 8pm to 9.30pm.

Meanwhile, line dancing evenings are held at Antony Village Hall on Tuesdays from 7pm to 9.30pm. Proceeds from these evenings help towards the upkeep of the hall.

More details are available from 01752-813168.

Coffee Morning

A coffee morning in aid of Arthritis Research is being held at the Cornerstone Church Hall in Torpoint town centre on Saturday (February 5) from 9.30am-11.30am. Admission is 40p.

RNLI Cheese and Wine

On Thursday February 17 the Rame Peninsula Branch of the RNLI will be holding a special cheese and wine party to raise funds for lifeboatmen and women.

It will be held in the Community Hall, Kingsand from 7.30pm. Tickets cost £5 each which includes a glass of wine and two gourmet raffle tickets, the latter being the speciality of the evening.

Tickets are available from Chairman, Mrs Janet Allom, (01752 822365) and the secretary, Miss J. Pavey, (01752 823698).

Fund benefits from tape sales

The sales of a Millennium tape, made by a Torpoint resident, have enabled a cheque to be handed to the town's Millennium Fund.

Michael Howells made a tape of the local New Year's Eve celebrations, entitled Torpoint Millennium Celebrations and Reflective Moods', with the cover designed by his wife, Diana. It has been on sale in the local library, and as a result he was able to hand a £20 cheque to Fund organiser, Roy Roseveare, at a presentation, attended by about l3 other committee members. The event took place recently at the rowing club.

The tape is still on sale for £5 at Torpoint library or from Mr Howells, a watercolour artist, by telephoning 01752 816615.