As permanent residents of Liskeard, we are all aware of a lull in positive activity in the town center and that there is increasingly little to attract people into the center outside of the regular market and occasional seasonal event. 

This has a detrimental effect across the board for all of us as a community; the shops, traders, venues and services see less foot-fall, properties therefore become vacant and the town slowly loses more and more assets to engage with and be proud of. This also has a severe cultural impact, as with less and less positive and relevant activities to engage with as a community one can only expect antisocial and undesirable behavior to arise in its place.

 That is why we at Phluid Records want to take a bold step in establishing what we are calling “The Liskeard Conduit” and “The PlayPen” – a multi-functional community hub featuring fully operational audio-visual studios and live entertainments area based at the Workshed in The Cattle Market. From this central location we propose to offer a range of constructive, positive and practical services to the community - ranging from creative arts training for everyone from youth to mature adult, to audio-visual recording, production and broadcasting services, to providing space and resources for our burgeoning community of performers, artists, crafters, traders, businesses, content-creators, charities, community interest groups and others to promote and showcase their unique produce, talents and services.

 Through responsibly timed and managed events in the covered area “The PlayPen” ranging from musical performances to hosting markets, tabletop gaming sessions, arts/literature comic and video-game conventions, small sporting events, featured live-streamed events, magic, comedy, drama, independent film screenings, traditional New Year’s Cèilidh and other seasonal special events, we seek to inject a positive spark back into the center of Liskeard and shine a beacon across the region marking Liskeard as the place to be in South-East Cornwall.

 However in order to do this, we need your support. The greatest failure of any endeavor is not catering to or taking care of the community first and foremost and we gratefully welcome suggestions and constructive input from the entire Liskeard community as this space is intended to serve us all.

 We need a minimum of £15,000 to secure the property and source all equipment required, so we have applied for funding from the Shared Prosperity Fund and are currently in the process of investigating further financial support from Arts, Training and Crime-Reduction funds for our region, but every single additional voice of support behind our bids will be needed to aid in any potential positive outcome.

 This is where we call on you to stand together with us in any way you can to help us build Liskeard something with provable, tangible long-term benefits to the whole community, somewhere for us all to be proud of, somewhere everyone can find a constructive, fun, safe and memorable experience on any given day.

 To find out more and add your name to our growing list of supporters across the Town, visit our website and click on the “Liskeard Conduit & PlayPen” image - or go directly to:

and sign our online supporter log.  You can also visit John at The Little Shop and Jack Ryder’s Antiquarian Bookstore in Town where you will find a physical copy to sign.  For updates and all the latest information, follow us on Facebook at:

where you can offer suggestions, join the discussion in the comments and help us to create a thriving entertainment and activities hub in the centre of Liskeard.