PANTOMIMES returning to Bodmin with resounding success this week, as a new community theatre group thrilled audiences with their rendition of Aladdin.  

 The performance, by the Bodmin Community Pantomime group brought to an end several fallow years in the town without its traditional shout of ‘it’s behind you’, with the ensemble group of local amateurs delivering an event which brought jollification to all who attended.  

 Damo Philp, who played Widow Twankie in the performance, thanked all those who took part and watched the performances, held at the Bodmin Methodist Church. He said: “on behalf of the Bodmin community pantomime group.  

“We would like to thank all the people who came to our performances of our inaugural performance of Aladdin over last few days at Bodmin Methodist church.  

“It was amazing to see so many people laughing and clapping along with us. We all had so much fun putting it on for the supportive community we live in. Also thank you to everyone involved including all cast and crew and the kind local companies who sponsored us.” 

 Mr Philp confirmed that plans for 2025 had not yet been confirmed, but if another pantomime was held, the group would welcome more cast and crew to join them in their next performance, with announcements made in due course.  

 He particularly encouraged those who might wish to meet new friends and build confidence to consider taking part, like he did. He added: “It has given me a lot of joy in proving to myself I can do anything if I put real effort into it. Learning all my songs and lines were hard but I got there in the end thanks to the whole team who was so supportive to me and everyone it’s like I’ve got a new family, a panto family.”