When we started NCB Radio back in 2010, it’s safe to say, that given the majority of us who founded it were in our teens, we thought we could take on the world and win – armed with relatively unreliable second hand equipment, a tiny concrete garden shed that was ice cold in winter and a furnace in summer, a diverse range of music and interests.

It’s safe to say it quickly became apparent that world domination would not happen. But from that shed, and later the now-former The Ark Community Centre, we created a diverse array of radio programmes which should have been heard by a bigger audience. Everything from the notorious comedy character Justice H. Keystone, two blokes talking about movies and shows covering everything from rock to reggae, northern soul to new wave, drum and bass to dubstep, the presenters who have come and gone (or in some cases, stayed) over the years meant that the offering has always been diverse.

12 years later and not a lot has changed in terms of what we offer, but at the heart of all we do at NCB Radio is the simple idea that we share the music we love with those who care to join us. Perhaps best demonstrated by the fact that we’re more akin to a social club these days, the simple invitation is this – if you love music, why don’t you join us? You’ll discover something new as well as hearing what you love.

NCB Radio broadcasts between the hours of 7am and midnight every day, with live or recorded shows on most evenings and weekend daytimes and is available at www.ncbradio.co.uk

Not Long Left

Every Wednesday, we’ve broadcast the Edward B’stard Radio Show from 8pm to 11pm. However, when he approaches show 500, in three weeks time, Mr B will be calling it a day after 10 years of broadcasting.

His final shows are aired on Wednesday, June 14; Wednesday June 21 and Wednesday June 28, at which point he bows out forever.

He’ll still be producing the B’stardettes, comprising Ruth, Anna and Sonya on a Monday night, but never again (unless we drag him out to do the odd cover show, probably as himself) will you hear the dulcet tones and so much ska, punk and The Jam.

Full details on his final lap can be found on his Edward B’stard Radio Show Facebook page.

Congratulations to Radio St Austell Bay

We note the news from our radio neighbours at Radio St Austell Bay that as of later this month, they are becoming CHAOS Radio as part of a merger with the CHAOS Group.

As one of the very few radio stations left in Cornwall that hasn’t rebranded or changed (we’ve not even changed our logo), we know how hard the RSAB volunteers have worked over the years to keep the station afloat. We’ve even pinched one or two to present on NCB over the years!

So, with that in mind, we wanted to offer our congratulations to RSAB.