The MP for South East Cornwall has hit back after criticism from a campaign group. 

Representatives from ‘South East Cornwall MP Watch’ — which describes itself as a national, non politically aligned organisation which aims to engage with elected politicians across the country, irrespective of party, to have conversations about the climate crisis — say they are keeping the local MP accountable. 

Two of the members, Christopher Andrews and Charlotte Reynolds, recently had a meeting with Sheryll Murray and were critical of what they perceive as a ‘hostile’ attitude by the MP towards their views. 

An open letter, sent to Ms Murray’s local Conservative association and newspaper outlets, alleges that the MP was ‘combative’ and ‘hostile’ from the start.

Stating that this ‘shocked them to the core’, the duo, additionally claimed that Ms Murray “made it quite clear that as a loyal Tory, you absolutely and unwaveringly follow the party line on this issue and then made it clear that since we were not constituents that voted for you, you had and have no intention of, or obligation to listen to our very real concerns or answer our legitimate questions.”

In response to the allegations, Ms Murray, the Conservative MP for South East Cornwall said: “I cannot respond to specific casework as all my casework is treated as confidential. I can, however, comment on the general matter of the Prime Minister’s new approach to net zero. 

“It makes sense to be able to buy new petrol and diesel cars and vans until 2035, in line with countries like Germany and France. Because of the progress we have already made, the UK’s share of global emissions is now less than 1%. In fact, we are a world leader in cutting emissions, surpassing the targets most countries have set for 2030 including Australia, Canada, Japan and the US. Given this progress, reaching our targets does not need to come unnecessarily at the expense of people facing higher costs – and that’s why I agree that we can ease the burden on working families. 

“This does not prevent someone from purchasing a new electric vehicle before 2035 or indeed changing their domestic heating boiler to another system. 

“In rural Cornwall the infrastructure for charging a vehicle needs to be far more accessible than at present and moving to 2035 in line with other countries will allow for this expansion of infrastructure.

“I am determined as a democratically elected Conservative Member of Parliament to look at the overall picture and the economic impact on my constituents rather than taking a selective view based on ideology.”