A MAN from Saltash is embarking on a three continent marathon challenge for charity.

Shaun Chillingworth, a member of the RAF serving abroad will be taking part in a three continent marathon challenge for charity. Shaun who is originally from the Saltash and Launceston areas will be taking on the challenge in to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK, a charity close to his heart.

Shaun has served in the RAF for 26 years and is currently based in the British Embassy in Bangkok where he lives with his wife and two children. A keen runner, Shaun’s job has given him the opportunity to run in lots of fantastic countries. Having completed 14 marathons already, Shaun plans on running marathons as long as his health allows him.

The three continent marathon challenge will take him all over the globe, completing the first marathon in April in Boston, the second in September in Berlin and the final marathon in Ha Long, Vietnam in November.

Shaun is completing this challenge to raise money for his uncle Dave Southcott who sadly lost his life to prostate cancer on Christmas Eve last year.

“He was a builder and was never happier than when he was creating. You may recognise him from the restaurant Foreign Muck in Saltash which he was responsible for fitting out. It is owned by my cousin Dean. He always built his own houses and without his expertise Foreign Muck would not look as it does. It is named after what he always used to say about eating anything different!” Shaun explained.

Dave also loved to travel and lived in France for many years. He would also visit his son Dean in the USA where he fitted out many restaurants including the The Cornish Pasty Company Cornish Pasty Co.

Shaun continued: “It’s vitally important to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer; it’s the most common form of cancer in men and if more people were aware of the symptoms so many deaths could be avoided. For years Dave ignored his symptoms which he had put down to sciatica. By the time he was diagnosed it had spread so much it couldn’t be defeated. But catching it early it is highly treatable.”

To donate towards Prostate Cancer UK and support Shaun’s challenge visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/berlin-marathon-2023-27626?utm_campaign=lc_frp_share_transaction_fundraiser_page_donation_received_-_nth_donation&utm_content=262a5a9d-a421-422b-a3a2-3ec8037df67d&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postoffice&utm_term=1679367207384