IT was 11am on Saturday morning and Santa was sitting in The Fat Frog sipping his favourite cup of coffee...meanwhile all around the town his Trader ‘Elves’ were busy creating magic for the children and families of Liskeard.

As the Xmas music rang out in Fore Street  Elves Tracey and Julian were busy roasting bags of Chestnuts courtesy of Andrew and Tom (Beddoes Fruit & Veg) whilst stilt walkers, bellringers, sungers and jugglers braved the wind to perform their amazing acts to appreciative crowds.

Magically the snow fell at No 9 Pep’s Emporium as Spider Man and Elsa made an appearance for their adoring fans with the support of Elves Mark and Mel who were both so enthusiastic and entertaining.

And Santa...well, word got out and more than 100 children and families walked through Marc and Jo’s doors at The Fat Frog to claim presents, milk shakes, raffle tickets and of course time with the big guy!

Elsewhere the traditional and well attended Family Cornish Christmas Trail, which had left Stuart House at 10am finally arrived at the town library for cakey tea!

Fellow presenter Ken Strange and myself met at the Liskeard Radio studio around 3pm to take our Marque and PA equipment across to Webbs House where we would be providing the music, commentary and support for the main event later that evening.

For more than an hour we stood under the stone canopy watching the heavens open and the heavy rainfall threaten to spoil the fun ......then came a wide band of blue sky and we knew we were game on!

Once set up we treated the rapidly growing crowd to some classic Xmas tracks before, at 5.30pm, the lantern procession incuding children from Liskeard School, The Community Treasure Chest and many more, made its way around town centre to the sound of St Pinnock Band, arriving back at The Main Square just after 6pm.

Mayor Cllr Simon Cassidy, made a very heartfelt welcome and thanked all those who had made the whole event possible before inviting young Tia and Leo, representing the families of Jamie and Luke tragically lost at Merrymeet earlier this year, to switch on the town lights to massive cheers and applause from a huge crowd.

And...the Trader Elves weren’t finished as they launched a wonderful firework display drawing more gasps of excitement.

The lantern parade later made its way down towards the Cattle Market passing the library where some fabulous projection mapping adorned the facia walls of the building.  

The evening wrapped up with singing and dancing under the Cattle Market canopy before the crowds slowly wound there way home with smiles on their faces.

It was evident from the comments of support on the night and on social media that it was a huge success and so many individuals deserve special mention for their personal contribution to making the day the success it was.

Finally, our Mayor also took time out to present Liskeard Radio with a certificate to mark 10 years as a local community station.

It recognises the efforts of presenters and technicians past and present and the support given to the local community.

Thank you Simon, It will hang proudly in our studio.