The Cornish Times received a letter from Sally Sweeney in Lostwithiel. It said:

"In today’s Westminster column [November 9] Sheryll Murray enthusiastically thanks the government for £150,000 of funding allocated to South East Cornwall’s leisure facilities. 

"Ironically, immediately below this item was an article highlighting the dire state of Cornwall Council’s financial situation, and the ‘difficult decisions’ (code for cuts) that will have to be made to achieve the £75-million in ‘savings’ (code for cuts) by 2028.

"Cornwall Council’s website explains that between 2010 and 2020 our council had 60p in every pound cut from the funding it receives from the government for the provision of essential services. 

"Ms Murray has been our Tory MP throughout this period, so it really is a bit rich for her to expect her constituents’ gratitude when the odd bit of cash, which the Treasury has found down the back of the sofa, gets bunged our way."