IT’S nearly panto time, oh no it isn’t, oh yes it is!

The Downderry and Seaton Village Hall Drama Group are hard at work rehearsing their next pantomime – ‘A Panto Between the Pyramids’, written by Richard Lock and directed by Marion Candy.

A town in Ancient Egypt is plagued by the mummy’s curse, but all is not what it seems.

In a world full of ‘fake news’ Cleo isn’t quite convinced, and with her friends, Donna Kebab, Niles and Archie-Ologist, they travel to find the secret to the mummy’s curse, hidden deep within the Great Pyramid.

The evil Pharaoh Roche and his assistant Scarab need the story of the mummy’s curse to continue as it’s their main source of income, and they will stop at nothing to keep the secret.

Throw in Mustafa Wedgie, Sphinx the Cat, a couple of hapless police officers, Toot and Karmoon, and a Chorus like no other, and you’ve got a panto worthy of the gods.

Full of puns, innuendo, comedy, slapstick and audience participation, this original, modern panto will have you laughing from the opening line to the closing curtain.

Performances are on Sunday, February 11 – doors open 1.30pm for 2.30pm start; and Wednesday, February 15 to Saturday, February 17 – doors open at 6.30pm for 7.30pm start. There will also be a licensed bar and raffle at each performance.

To book tickets go to

All proceeds go to the village hall.