PA23/02617: A DEMOLISHED car showroom in Bodmin which has been used for several years as a car park is set to once again return to trading as a new Enterprise car hire location.

The former West End Motors showroom, on Dennison Road, which since its demolition in the late 2000’s, has been used as a private car park.

However, it is set to have a new lease of employment life with the potential arrival of Enterprise rent-a-car to the site, after planning permission was applied for to erect a modular building and car washing facilities on the site.

A planning application on behalf of Enterprise for the ‘Former West End Motors car park site, Dennison Road, Bodmin, proposes to erect a modular office building, wash bay and equipment store and associated external works and proposed advertisement signage for a vehicle hire branch.

The plans indicate that the entire site would cease to be a car park, with parking used for the storage of vehicles, with staff parking on the exterior of the site.

In the planning application, the applicants say: “The proposals involve the change of use of the site from sui generispublic car park to sui generis - vehicle hire branch. The proposals include the erection of a modular office building, wash bay and equipment store.

“The proposed modular office building is located in the centre of the site towards the northern boundary. The modular office is single storey and is a sympathetic height at 3.52m sits comfortably in the plot. The proposed office is a similar scale and height to other commercial buildings in the area. The modular office building will sit on a raised kerb pavement for pedestrian safety.

“The proposed wash bay and equipment store is located to the east of site in the location of the former west end motors office building. The wash bay canopy and equipment stores will be constructed out of lightweight metal frames which will be mechanically fixed into the concrete slab. The metal frame will be clad in a corrugated metal cladding like many industrial buildings in the area.

“The wash bay drainage area will have a concrete hardstanding laid a fall for the gully drain. As part of the works external works the access via ramp from Pool Street is proposed to be removed and a concrete retaining wall to match existing will block this access. Boundary treatments such as metal railings and retractable bollards to the entrance at Mill Street are proposed to improve the site security out of opening hours.

“The ground levels and dropped kerbs of the access to the site from Mill Street will remain unchanged in the proposals. The proposals also include advertising signage to be erected related to the vehicle hire branch. A T-pole sign is located in the southwest corner of the site and assists in wayfinding from approaching cars and vans to direct them into the access on Mill Street. Monument signage by the dropped kerb on Mill Street signifies the site entrance. Banner signage for the Enterprise Car Club and Car Returns will assist drivers on parking in the correct location.”

PA22/10539: PLANS for the demolition of an existing chalet and its replacement with a sustainable and energy efficient new chalet in Torpoint has been given short-shrift by Cornwall Council’s planners.

Mr and Mrs Hill applied to the local authority for permission to undertake the chalet replacement at their property known as Trelowen, Tregonhawke Cliff, Military Road, Torpoint. 

It was an application which received a negative response from residents, too, with 11 comments from neighbours all comprising objections to the proposals. 

St John Parish Council also objected to the proposals, and after being invited to review the amended, resubmitted plans, reaffirmed their objection. 

The Parish Council said in its response: “The Parish Council consider that this planning application visually does not fit it aesthetically with the unique character of the chalet community along Whitsand Bay. The Parish Council feel it is very important to retain this.

The Plans appear to show an increase in size of this property. It is understood that this property has already been increased in size since 2005, although the plans for this do not appear on the Planning portal. Therefore, the PC (Parish Council) believes the property has already had its discretionary increase in size up to 10%, it would ask that the Planning officer looks into this further.

“The chalet is being moved from its existing position and presumably will involve excavating the cliff. The PC have concerns about the structurally integrity of the cliff because of this.

“The PC opposes the application to include a hot tub because of the regular disposal of the water which may undermine the cliff and because of the pollution by chemicals used in emptying said hot tubs on the local flora and fauna.

“The landscaping of the plot appears to be inappropriate, by removing the existing planting and soft landscaping and replacing it with concrete and decking which will increase run off and potentially undermine the cliff stability and reduce the natural biodiversity of the site.”

The planning application refusal notice stated: “The proposed development as a result of    the extensive glazing, roof form,materials to    the roof, terracing and hard landscaping would cause material harm to the Area of  Great Landscape Value in which the site is   located” 

“It would be contrary to    Policies 1, 12 and 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan 2016, Saved Policies CL9 and W1 of    the Caradon Local Plan 1999 and the Whitsand Bay Chalets Guidelines for Development Control 2001.

“The proposed development as a result of    the increase in    height of    built form owing to    the design and apex of    the proposed roof adjacent to the existing chalet known as ‘Belair’ would harm the living conditions currently enjoyed by these occupiers, having an overbearing and overshadowing impact.  The proposed development is   therefore contrary to Policies 1 and 12 of    the Cornwall Local Plan 2016.”

PA23/01092: A re-submitted planning application for a proposed dwelling, parking and access to highway for an address in Liskeard has been given conditional approval by Cornwall Council. 

Mr and Mrs Yalciner made an application to the local authority for permission to undertake the works at their property at Glenleigh, Pengover Road, Liskeard. 

The planning application was a re-submission further to a previous approval, PA19/09493, concerning the construction of a residential dwelling and associated parking on land south of Glenleigh. 

There were two comments from members of the public to the planning application, neither of which were constituting objections. 

Mrs Pat Child wrote: “No objection to the planning, but I would like to request that they maintain the hedge and cut down the very large trees on their property, which is becoming an issue.”

Trees seemed to be an issue for another neighbour, too with Mrs Tracy Mason commenting on behalf of another neighbour, saying: “Commenting on behalf of neighbour, could the large leylandi trees be either removed or pollarded.”

Liskeard Town Council, in its consultation response said: “The planning committee RESOLVED that the Council support the application, subject to confirmation of the sustainable design features incorporated within the proposal to meet the requirements of policy SUS1 Sustainable Development Standards of the Liskeard Neighbourhood Development Plan and the climate emergency development plan document, for example, methods of heating. Cornwall Council approved the proposals made by the applicants, subject to three conditions. 

The first two, were standard conditions concerning the requirement for the development to begin before the expiration of three years from the date of permission and it being carried out according to the plans approved. 

A third condition stipulated: “Before any of the development hereby permitted is brought into use, the parking areas hereby approved shall be constructed, drained and suitably surfaced in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 

“A suitable means of drainage shall be provided to ensure that surface water runoff is not discharged on the highway.”