THE Maudlin Farm housing project in Liskeard is set to benefit from the extra £10-million of government funding being made available for heritage projects. 

The housing scheme run by Treveth will receive £300,000 as part of the recent Devolution Deal negotiations between Whitehall and Cornwall Council but is guaranteed even if the deal does not get ratified. 

The Mayor of Liskeard welcomed the funding. Cllr Simon Cassidy said: “I was pleased to hear that government intends to award this money to get these houses completed. They are prioritised for locals and need to be finished as quickly as possible.”

The £10-million is split with £3-million going to heritage projects, and £7-million going to housing initiatives. 

In our area Bodmin Old Library will also receive £60,000 for its heritage project.

But the development set to benefit the most from the funding is phase two of the St Lawrence development in Bodmin, also managed by Treveth. They stand to receive £5,650,000.

The other heritage projects include: Lawrence House Museum, Launceston - £480,000; Acquisition of Fair Meadow Car Park, Buttermarket, Redruth - £1,050,000; Castle an Dinas hillfort, St Columb Major - £35,000; Geevor Mine, Pendeen - £530,000; Redruth Old Library - £430,000; Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro - £415,000.

The other housing projects are: Bodmin/Truro Road, St Austell - £750,000; 2 and 4 Newquay Road, Truro - £300,000.

 The council’s cabinet committee will be asked to officially accept the grant when it meets today (Wednesday, February 8) in the Trelawny Room at County Hall in Truro. 

Cllr Linda Taylor, leader of Cornwall Council, said: “I am delighted to see this coming before cabinet for approval, it is great news for Cornwall and will bring real benefits for our residents. 

“This is a direct result of the negotiations we held with the government over the proposed Devolution Deal and is a real example of what you can achieve when you have good dialogue and a strong relationship with Westminster. 

“I have to thank our officers for their hard work, not just through the negotiations, but also in their incredibly quick work in identifying projects which could be delivered at pace.  This will help us to provide some of the housing that Cornwall so badly needs and will also protect our unique history for everyone to enjoy.” 

The Cornish Times approached Treveth who did not wish to comment at this time.