HISTORIC sites in Cornwall and the organisations that look after them are set to benefit from more than half a million in Shared Prosperity Funding.

The Hurlers stone circle on Bodmin Moor and Lostwithiel’s Old Duchy Palace are among the 13 places which will receive money, helping ensure that they can be enjoyed and appreciated for years to come.

One of the three organisations to make successful bids is the Cornwall Heritage Trust, who have been awarded £260,634 to grow the charity, expand their outreach programme to schools, youth groups and local communities, and increase volunteer and training opportunities. Sites managed by the Trust include Treffry Viaduct near Luxulyan, Castle an Dinas at St Columb Major, The Hurlers near Minions, and St Cleer Well.

Cathy Woolcock, CEO of Cornwall Heritage Trust, said: “This is a really exciting step forward for us. We’ve been championing Cornwall’s heritage for almost 40 years and have evolved so much in that time.

“We don’t want to just be here in another 40, we want to be thriving, and investment like this in our continued growth is a huge step towards making that possible.”

In Lostwithiel, the Cornwall Buildings Preservation Trust will use £188,453 to carry out a programme of works at the Old Duchy Palace, a significant Grade 1 Listed Building in the heart of town. Plans include energy efficiency measures in the building as well as the creation of a virtual tour, enabling many more people to experience the Palace and its colourful history.

Meanwhile at Truro Cathedral, £112,410 will go towards restoring St Mary’s Aisle, the oldest part of the cathedral which dates to the 16th century and was part of the original parish church.

The project will repair the leaky roof and masonry and refurbish the interior, resulting in a comfortable, and welcoming space to host a new programme of year-round activities including children’s shows and arts events.

Simon Robinson, Interim Dean of Truro Cathedral, said: “St Mary’s Aisle is a most precious aspect of Cornwall’s rich heritage – the last physical remnant of the original church that existed centuries before the cathedral was built.

“In recent years, it has suffered serious water damage due to its worn-out roof. We are extremely grateful to the Shared Prosperity Fund for supporting this project to repair it.

“Thanks to the Fund, other charitable organisations and generous donations from hundreds of local people, this amazing building will be able to continue to be used as a place of worship and host a wonderful variety of community events for many years to come.”

The UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund is being delivered here in the county by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth programme.