The 25th Fowey Festival of Arts & Literature gets underway this weekend with a packed programme of events.

Celebrated pianist and organist Jonathan Delbridge launches proceedings on Friday, 12 May with a wonderful evening of music in Fowey Parish Church.

Newquay Spaceport’s Melissa Quinn will talk about the highs and lows of overseeing the UK’s first rocket launch in Fowey Town Hall on Saturday 13 May, followed by Professor Kate Williams talking about her latest TV programme, ‘Secrets of the Royal Palaces’, literary editor Lennie Goodings talking about feminist publisher Virago Books, BBC news editor Mark Easton talking about the world’s islands and finally Sir Vince Cable on what it takes to be a good politician.

Broadcaster and bestselling novelist Fern Britton is among the stellar list of people appearing from 14-20 May. They include Linda Grant, Iain Dale, Ann Widdecombe, Natasha Carthew, Tim Hannigan, Wyl Menmuir, Dr Sarah-Louise Miller, Patrick Newberry, Dr Serena Trowbridge, Veronica Henry, Liz Fenwick, Becky Hunter, Kate London, J.S. Monroe and Rowan Hisayo Buchanan.

Musical entertainment is being provided by the hugely popular Fishermen’s Friends, Glorious Chorus, The Bookshop Band, Arkangel, The People’s String Foundation Duo, The Fowey River Singers and St Austell Town Band - whilst local comedian Johnny Cowling takes to the stage for a riotous comedy evening.

Graphic artist Kev F Sutherland is giving a comic masterclass, Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller talks about his book ‘Art is Magic’ and chef James Strawbridge will demonstrate the extraordinary power of salt. 

Workshops, guided walks, reading groups, an art trail, access to twelve secret gardens and discussions on a variety of topics complete the nine-day programme. 

 “We’re very excited about our impressive line-up of guest speakers and activities,” said Lynn Goold, Chair of the Festival Trustees.

“Our organising team is largely made up of volunteers who work really hard over many months to pull this festival together and I’d like to say a huge thank you to them, our Festival Director Brenda Daly and of course our sponsors for their continuing support. 

“We’re proud of the fact that is our 25th event and look forward to welcoming visitors from all over the UK and beyond to what we hope will be a wonderful, memorable experience."