MEMBERS of Extinction Rebellion (XR) South East Cornwall braved the cold to hold their first gathering of the year in Liskeard earlier his month.

On Tuesday, January 16, despite being slightly depleted by sickness and travel issues, South East Cornwall branch members met at the Liskerrett Centre after nearly a month of winter hibernation.

Erika Curren from XR explained: “Many of us expressed feelings of low morale about global aggressions and continuing hardship for many in the UK. But what makes us particularly depressed is backtracking by our government on climate and nature promises: issuing new oil and gas licences last year and weakening legislation for the environment.

“Coming together and sharing our feelings helps us cope and reminds us we have much to address in the months ahead, especially as reports confirm that 2023 was the warmest year on record – the human induced climate emergency is very much a reality.

“We love getting creative in Extinction Rebellion, it helps us convey our message and is fun. Following on from making lanterns to carry in the Liskeard masquerade lantern parade before Christmas, we spent time on Tuesday creating doves of peace through the clever art of origami.

“When we have enough doves, about 100, we intend to exhibit them in an installation to support global peace.”

The doves of peace action are being created in sentiment to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

Erika continued: “After our origami session, we settled back to watch a documentary film all about the resurgence of indigenous wisdom and practice in America. In XR we work to 10 values and principles. Non-violence is a foundation block alongside trying to embed a regenerative culture in how we live and act. We believe in the importance of kindness to and nurturing of ourselves, others, and the whole of nature, acknowledging we are one organism.

“Resting and debriefing after our protests is one way we do this; as is sometimes stepping back from saying ‘don’t do this’ and instead positively imagining the amazing world we know is possible if we just implemented some of the solutions which could prevent the worst of the climate catastrophe ahead of us.

“Watching the film brought renewed inspiration and raised our spirits to remind us that if indigenous peoples who have been vilified and oppressed can rise up to offer their ancient wisdom, cultures and deep respect for land, nature and animals in response to the climate crisis, then we too can rise up and continue the hard but necessary work to ensure a future for all.”

To find out more about Extinction Rebellion SEC contact [email protected]