St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

May 17 — Food for Thought at 9.30 am.

May 18 — ‘Coffee Morning with Cake’, to include plant and book stalls. Sing along with Liskeard Community Choir from 10am to noon. Come and join us.

May 19 — Cluster Service at Dobwalls United Church with Martin O’Connell at 9.30am.

May 20 — Knit and Natter from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.

The morning service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.


St Melor’s Church

Morning prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church, Linkinhorne, at 10am on Monday and Wednesday.

Evensong will be at 6.30pm on Sunday, May 19.

St Paul’s Church

There will be Methodist Communion and Pentecost Celebration at St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, Sunday, May 19, at 9.15am. Messy Church will be at Rilla Mill Retreat Centre at 3pm.

Parish hall

Help is needed to ensure continued availability of this potentially life saving equipment.

In September 2019 raising the sum f £2,500 in the community for this facility and cabinet. Unfortunately is not working at the moment and a like-for-like battery replacement will cost £450 including VAT. Duchy Defibrillators would replace the whole item with a new improved model for £720 and replacement batteries would thereafter be provided within the existing annual fee that currently covers only the periodic replacement of the pads. This would be a considerable saving over the years.

At the moment it is situated at the parish hall due to being a central location but the hall committee is only the “caretaker”. The committee is very small but the trustees of the hall are willing to be a central body for any fundraising. The parish council and the community chest have been approached for a contribution but awaiting the outcome of these requests.

Any community groups, local business or individuals with any suggestions for raising funds, helping or donating please get in touch with Christine Ewings on 01579 362954.

The upcoming coffee morning will include a plant swap, cuttings, seedlings etc. at the Parish Hall, Upton Cross on Tuesday, May 21, from 10.30am to noon.

Film Club

The next film showing at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross on Saturday, May 18, will be “Oppenheimer.”

Please attend by 6.30pm for 7pm. As this is a three hour film but there will be an interval.

Refreshments are available but welcome to bring your own nibbles and tipple. An Oscar winning film in seven categories including best film, best director and best actor. C-Fylm Members £4/new members £6.


Lanreath Football Club’s 150 Draw April 2024 — 1st, Lucie Cole £30; 2nd, Neil Inwood £20; 3rd, Max Facey £10.


Downderry and Seaton Village Hall

The Producers Market, Sunday, May 19, 10am for 2pm in the Downderry and Seaton Village Hall - shop local - support local producers - buy some lovely fresh produce

Produce on sale includes: fruit, vegetables, jams, chutneys and pickles (Fairfield Market Garden) - meat, including fresh beef and eggs (Great Kellow Farm Meats) - cheese (Cornish Cheese Company) - bread, cakes, buns (Sun Sea Sourdough and Kelp Bakery) - wine (Eglarooze Vineyard) - gin, beer, liqueurs and cellos (Atlantic Brewery and Distillery) - plants, chocolate and everything chilli related (North Cornwall Chilli Farm).

Entry is free and there will be hot and cold drinks and refreshments. All are welcome, including dogs on leads. A perfect stopping point for your walk on the beach.


Constitutional Club

Saturday, June 4, 9pm — Entertainment: Move It. Non members £2 entry.

Tuesday, June 7, 10am to noon — Coffee morning. 2pm to 3.30pm — Bingo. Non members welcome.

Saturday, June 11, 9pm — Entertainment: Silver Bullet. Non members £2 entry.

Tuesday, June 14, 10am to noon — Coffee morning. 2pm to 3.30pm — Bingo. Non members welcome.

Saturday, June 18, 9pm — Entertainment: Mike King. Non members £2 entry.

Tuesday, June 21, 10am to noon — Coffee morning. 2pm to 3.30pm — Bingo. Non members welcome.

Saturday, June 25, 9pm — Entertainment: Stevie Dee. Open to non members.

Tuesday, June 28, 10am to noon — Coffee morning. 2pm to 3.30pm — Bingo. Non members welcome.

Thursday, June 30, 8pm — Q – U – I – Z. Non members welcome.

Our Lady of St Neot Catholic Church

The mayor of Liskeard Cllr Simon Cassidy recently attended a service at Our Lady of St Neot Catholic Church.

He said: “Really lovely to join the congregation at Our Lady of St Neot Catholic Church for their Mass with my consort Daniel.

“Amongst the prayers today were for Mary Whitty who is the mother of my deputy mayors consort Terry, who is very poorly today.

“Also for our friend and town councillor Julian Smith who is very poorly at Derriford and finally, for all the people of Liskeard and the people of our twin towns in France and Ukraine.”

St Ive

Parish Church

A spring concert is to be given by Valley Voices, a varied selection of sacred and secular music for chamber choir, on Saturday, May 18, at 7pm in St Ive Parish Church.

Entry by donation. All proceeds to the church. Refreshments in the interval.

Greenshoots will hold its next United Service at Blunts Methodist Chapel on Sunday, May 19, starting at 11am. All are welcome.

A joint service of the congregations from 'Unity' - St Ive, Bealbury and Blunts.

On Sunday, May 19, the united service will be held at St Ive Parish Church, starting at 11.15am. All are welcome. Tea/coffee and biscuits to follow the service.


Tamar Valley Methodist Church

A concert with cream tea was held  at Tamar Valley Methodist Church (Albaston) on Sunday, May 12, in support of Christian Aid Week.

The local committee would like to thank the performers who were The Calstock Singers directed by Peter White and Albaston Community Choir led by Felicity Dyter and Joan Bose; the audience, and those who prepared and served the refreshments.

A total of £265 was raised for Christian AidThe next event for Christian Aid in Calstock Parish wil be the Garden Party at Meadowood on Wednesday, May 29, from 3pm to 6pm.

Calstock Singers at the Christian Aid concert in Tamar Valley Methodist Church
Calstock Singers at the Christian Aid concert in Tamar Valley Methodist Church ( )