Beavers and Cubs
IN the Cornish seaside town of Looe, a group of enthusiastic young Beavers and Cubs have embarked on a mission to make waves of their own.
Inspired by the heroic efforts of the local RNLI, youngsters from the 1st Looe Beavers and Cubs have taken up the challenge of raising funds to support Looe's lifeboat crew, who risk their lives helping to keep South East Cornwall waters safe and sound.
Taking part in a first-ever sponsored night hike, over 30 children - equipped with torches and carrying their own gear - trekked through the nearby Kilminorth Woods, helping to raise an impressive £370 for the charity.
That money was recently presented to volunteers Geoff Gee and Adam Jones, who then gave the youngsters a guided tour of their facilities, as well as answering questions all about the role of the RNLI.
"All the children were very knowledgeable about the work we do - and their enthusiasm was brilliant," said Geoff.

The evening concluded with a special presentation made to Edie Maycock and Audrey Jackson, who received the prestigious Chief Scout Bronze Award for their outstanding achievements in completing numerous badges and challenges.
Beavers leader, Paul Richardson, who presented the awards, said: "It gave me great pleasure to reward the girls for their efforts in everything they do at Beavers. They are fantastic tole models to our younger members.
"While we will be sad to see them move on to Cubs, we know they'll achieve great success there too, just as they did with the Beavers."
Women’s Institute
The president Barbara Brimacombe welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting including our guest speaker Mike. He was also accompanied by two trainees from South East Cornwall Search and Rescue.
They provide moorland rescue, search for missing and lost people, mineshaft rescue 365 days of the year. They also cover marathons that entail running across rough terrain in the South West. They are also on call to assist with mountain rescue in other parts of the country if requested. The Search and Rescue was initially introduced in 1965 until 1985. It was then re-introduced in Cornwall in 2000. In 2019 Cornwall was split into a South and East Region for Search and Rescue. They help locate elderly missing people, those with mental health issues and also children. They have to do late night navigation and will also get calls from the Police if help is needed in finding anyone. Helicopter safety training is done every year and to kit out one member costs £1500. They also have three Search and Rescue dogs and it can take anything from 18 months to 3 years to train them, but when trained can do the work of 20 people. What a fantastic and interesting talk which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
As it is our 50th birthday month we had some Bucks Fizz and a slice of cake (made by one of our members which was delicious). We also had our birthday meal last week at the Cross Keys in Cawsand which was enjoyed by all.
Final details were given for our trip to Exeter next week. Reminders were also given on our Xmas party night on Wednesday, December 11, at 7pm.
Sandra Luscombe told us all about her trip to the Annual WI meeting at the Hall for Cornwall in October.
Competition Letter H: 1st Pat Woodhouse, 2nd Sylvia White, 3rd Barbara Gates.
Flowers: 1st Jean Morgan, 2nd Joan Jones, 3rd Sandy Luscombe.
The next meeting will be the Christmas party on December 11 at 7pm in St James Church Hall. Visitors are always welcome.
Women’s Institute
Ladies were welcomed to the November Meeting by Amanda Smee Vice President, who informed the group of the sad passing of our dearly loved president Marlaine Clarke.
After singing an enthusiastic rendition of Jerusalem in her honour, we listened to Pam Potterton Secretary who gave out the board headlines.
Angela Webber a Trematon Wi member, took us through the workings of the WI Learning Hub and gave a very interesting talk on how in the few months she has been accessing it she had taught herself, Crochet, Knitting, Art painting and Exercise/Wellbeing. Angela showed us some beautiful things she had crated and the group was very impressed. I am sure many of the ladies will now seek out the WI Learning Hub for themselves. Ladies Handed in the Dorset Buttons they had created for the Christmas Tree which will be on show at the Christmas Tree Festival in St Nicholas Church, Saltash.
Raffle prize winners were Pauline, Lorna, Jane, Yvonne, Toni, Mary, Nancy and Angela.
The next ladies that lunch meeting will be confirmed in the December meeting. The next WI meeting will be the Christmas party and will be on December 10 at 7pm at Saltash Baptist Church with a Christmas buffet and games.
New members are always welcome.
St Cleer
‘All Things Christmas’ - come and join us in St Cleer Church on Saturday, December 7, from 10.30am to 4pm.
Free entry. Christmas Trees. Make your own foliage decorations. Refreshments, stalls, raffle and music. A visit from Santa between 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
For enquiries contact Alison on 01579 343356 or [email protected]
Cleerway Community Church
Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA. Refreshments are available from 9.45am.
The morning service starts at 10.30am and is followed by a bring-and-share lunch. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.
Methodist Church
Today (December 4) there will be a Christmas wreath making at 1.30pm.
A warm welcome extended to all.
December 6, Food for Thought with Rev Robert Saunders at 9.30am.
December 8, Sunday will be a choice service at 10am.
Dobwalls United Church
Thursday, December 5, 2pm Knit & Knatter.
Sunday, December 8, 9.30am morning service.
St Ive
Parish church
‘Carols Service by Candlelight’, with Valley Voices, held on Thursday, December 12, starting at 7pm at St Ive Parish Church.
Sunday, December 15, morning service held at 11.15am.
Christmas Eve Eucharist, to start at 9pm.
Village hall
Unity Methodist of St Ive, held at the village hall. Service on Sunday, December 8, at 10.30am will be led by Linda Eastlake. A time of tea and chat to follow the service.
On Sunday, December 22, this will be a carol service, led by Rev Stuart Reed, starting at 10.30am. All are welcome to join is in this time of carols.
Also, we are holding a Christmas Day Service at the Village Hall, starting at 10am. Come and share in this special service.
St Ive Village Hall will be holding a carol evening on Friday, December 13, at the hall. Starting at 7pm. Mince pies for refreshments.
Callington/St Ive
Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild
There will be no meeting held on Monday, December 16, at Callington.
As there will be a Christmas concert, held at Saltash Wesley Church on that evening, given by An Augmented Choir, starting at 7pm.
St Melor’s Church
The weekly service will now only take place on Mondays at 10am.
On Sunday, December 1, there will be an Evensong service at 6.30pm.
There will be Holy Communion on December 24, Christmas Eve, at 9.30pm.
St Paul’s Church
There will be an Advent All Age service in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, on Sunday, December 1, at 10am.
Rilla Mill Village Hall
This will take place on Saturday, December 7, in Rilla Mill Village Hall from 2pm to 4pm.
There will be a variety of stalls and competitions, raffle and festive refreshments. Funds raised are for St Melor’s, Linkinhorne and St Paul’s at Upton Cross.
1st Linkinhorne Scouts
As usual, the cubs and scouts have spent time in the woods. The challenge day went well with 25 young people den building, cooking on open fires and using teamwork to achieve their objectives.
The Beavers have been learning sign language, map reading around the village, and played team games. All members of the group had uniform inspection in readiness for Remembrance.
Stara Woods
The Working Bees will be in the woods on Saturday, December 7, at 10am to continue their conservation work.
Anyone with any spare time and would like to join the group they would be very welcome. If interested contact Piers Freeman on 01579 363748 or by email [email protected]
Also information about the Friends of Stara Woods contact Anne Hughes on 01579 362068 or [email protected]