Callington Community College has lots to celebrate this summer as students in Year 11 collect their GCSE and Level 2 BTEC results.

The college introduced GCSE Latin in 2021 and this year yields its first set of results. The college is delighted with the outcomes in Latin; a course which is atypical of a secondary school and is currently the only non-public school in Cornwall to offer this subject.

Miss Campbell, vice principal at the college and the staff member who introduced and delivered Latin to these youngsters, said: “I am truly delighted with their outcomes. They are competing against a much smaller national cohort than in other subjects, against a significantly different demographic and their work ethic and contributions have been monumental. We were awarded ‘Hub Status’ by the Latin Excellence Programme (an ambitious programme aiming to help thousands of pupils in England to get on track for high achievement in GCSE Latin) this Summer in recognition of all the work we have done to embed this subject and secure its success. The children deserve full recognition here, I am very, very proud of them.”

Of particular note, are the outcomes of Eva Longman and Matthew Early. Eva gained a grade 9 in Latin, as well as a 9 in psychology and 8s across her other subjects and she will continue study of A level Latin at the college this September. Matthew gained grade 8, missing grade 9 by just one mark. He also achieved grade 9s in biology, chemistry, maths, geography, physics and Spanish. He will also study AS level Latin at the college in September, alongside sciences and maths.

Miss Campbell continued: “There are enormous benefits to learning Latin as it teaches students about linguistics and can improve literacy as well as giving them access to interesting and important knowledge about the ancient world.”

Guillermo Alcaniz, lead teacher for Spanish and Latin also commented on the success of languages at the college. He stated: “The results across both languages are fantastic. Nearly a quarter of Latin students secured a grade 7 to 9 and in Spanish, 40% of the cohort achieved a grade 7 to 9. We are equipping our students with life-long skills, who are skilled and competent linguists.”

Mrs Ainsworth, college principal was delighted with the results overall.

She said: “Whilst we mustn’t forget the impact of disruption on this particular cohort, and the national narrative around grade deflation, it doesn’t take anything away from these students who worked with determination and resilience to break through barriers. We are really proud of them and all that they have achieved. They have been a credit to the college throughout and I feel fortunate that we get to retain so many of them into Sixth Form, where I’m sure they will continue to grow and excel. Whatever their next pathway is, we wish them all the very best and congratulate them on their successes.”

There are numerous individuals deserving of special mention and they include: Josh West who secured four grade 9s in biology, geography, physics and psychology with 8s in chemistry, English and maths; Jack Crayton who secured 7s and 8s in maths, biology, chemistry, physics, Spanish and Distinction in health and social care; Caitlin May achieved all grade 7 and above with 8s in biology, chemistry, English, media and Spanish and gained grade 9 in sociology; George Rule Hodson secured grade 8s in biology, business and physics with 7s in geography and maths and a Distinction in sports studies; Ellathea Hardy achieved 8s and 7s across her subjects also with 8s in drama, photography, geography, physics and Spanish; and Amelie Lawrence achieved all 8s and 7s across all of her subjects with 8s in art, English and psychology.

Mrs Ainsworth added: “These outcomes are truly wonderful and we are delighted for students. What really matters is that students can all access their desired next steps, whether that be Sixth Form, apprenticeships or college placements. These outcomes put students on their corresponding next steps and ensure they can all access the futures they have desired and dream of. This matters enormously and I am proud and happy for every single one of them.”