A concert will raise money for the charity that looks after the Tamar Trail network in the Tamar Valley.

The Wharf, Tavistock, hosts The James Taylor Quartet in a woodland themed soul/funk show on Friday, March 24.

JTQ are internationally recognised leaders of Hammond organ jazz funk and can often be heard at world-renowned venues, including Ronnie Scott’s and the Jazz Cafe in London.

The Tavistock performance has been organised to increase awareness of, and to raise funds to support, the work of the Tamar Community Trust.

The Trust, established in 2009, maintains the Tamar Trail network (25km of multi-use tracks and trails near Gulworthy), the Wacker to Antony Trail in south east Cornwall and other areas of amenity woodland in the Tamar Valley.

They work closely with the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) team to support the rich and diverse landscape.

There will be an optional fancy dress competition for the best woodland animal themed outfit. First prize is one night’s bed and breakfast at Hotel Endsleigh for two people.

JTQ will be supported by local singer songwriter Joanna Cooke.

The Tamar Community Trust are hoping to raise £1,000 which will be used for initiatives that support community engagement in our local woodlands.

For tickets, please contact www.tavistockwharf.com or call the box office on 01822 611166.