FIRE crews from Callington, Tavistock and Bodmin were called to help a person trapped in an overturned vehicle near Gunnislake.

Critical control received a call just after 6pm last night (Saturday November 13) and firefighters attended alongside the ambulance service and police.

A Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: “Once the casualty was rescued and transported to hospital by ambulance, crews made the scene safe and handed the scene to the Police.”

A person who was in the vehicle involved in the crash posted on the Gunnislake Community Matters Facebook page later last night to say that they were “shaken but home to tell the tale”.

“Thought my time was up not going to lie,” they said.

“Thankfully driver out alive and all still here ….. life can change in a split moment.”

A member of the public who arrived at the scene in their car shortly after the accident was critical of those who had driven past without waiting.

They said: “The most disturbing bit of tonight was seeing how many people drove past overtaking the standstill of traffic just so they could get through.”