A WIDOW has given the Fowey Lifeboat Station a donation of £10,000 in memory of her husband.

Rosalyn Pring, who visited the lifeboat station in the town with her son John to present a cheque, said: “This donation is given to RNLI Fowey in memory of my husband John Pring. He loved and visited this place for over 50 years.’

A keen supporter of the RNLI, Rosalyn has donated to the Fowey lifeboats for many years.

Lifeboat coxswain Jonathan Pritchard said: ‘We are extremely grateful for the generosity of Mrs Pring.

“It is donations like these that enable us to keep the station running - £10,000 is a significant amount and it will be used to fund a complete set of kit for a volunteer crew member, including a drysuit, a thermal suit, a lifejacket, a helmet, layered clothing and boots.

“It will also be used to fund crew emergency procedures (CEP) courses for crew. The three-day CEP course, held at the RNLI training college in Poole, trains crew in a range of emergency procedures including sea survival drills, how to deal with fires aboard lifeboats, how to right a capsized inshore lifeboat, how to abandon ship in the event of an emergency, team survival swimming, coping in a liferaft in simulated darkness, the importance of lifejackets and the correct use of flares, fire extinguishers and throw bags.”

The lifeboat station has also received a donation from Par-based scrap metal dealer Henry Orchard & Son.

Managing director Henry Orchard, who presented a cheque, said: ‘Our donation comes from funds we generated through recycling ex-china clay CDA railway wagons that were scrapped during 2023 and 2024.

“Several of the wagons are now in the hands of heritage organisations, but we assisted with the safe recycling of the remaining wagons.

“Given that the wagons were used for transporting and tipping clay just a few hundred metres from where the lifeboat station is in Fowey, it seemed fitting that the proceeds should go to Fowey RNLI.

“Like the lifeboat crew, local industry is a vital part of our local community and we are so pleased these funds will enable CEP training that will help the RNLI volunteers to carry out their incredible work and, hopefully, help to keep them safer while they are out at sea.”

Coxswain Jonathan Pritchard said: “We are extremely grateful for the donation from Henry Orchard & Sons.”

Fowey RNLI lifeboat station currently has 32 volunteer crew, providing a 24-hour search and rescue service along the coast in and around Fowey.

The RNLI is a charity that saves lives at sea, and as a charity it relies on voluntary donations to fund lifeboats, stations and crew training.