The change from the traditional Wednesday to a Saturday for Callington’s Honey Fair has proved to be very popular with everyone, including the general public, families, the traders and local retailers. 

Organisers the Callington Lions were determined to have a family focused event this year and with the sun shining on Saturday, September 30, it enabled all to have a good time with everything that was on offer — and there was plenty to see and do. 

The children enjoyed everything from the inflatable theme park, a ‘unicorn’ to pet, and Prim Raf Theatre was open with local children providing the entertainment. 

In addition, there were the traditional events of the bee keepers displays, ‘Teas with the Bees’, the Town Criers and the children’s painting competition - with over 800 paintings from all the local schools. The local shops also took part in a shop window display competition.

On the main and Town Hall stages talented singers and groups provided entertainment.

The Callington Pannier Market, which is normally held on the Sunday was also relocated to the Saturday to add to the record number of 130 Honey Fair stalls on Callington’s streets.

The Lions also wanted to have a greener Honey Fair this year and be plastic free where possible, so recycling bins were provided by the local recycling charity SHARE and, thanks was given to the visitors for using the bins which helped to keep the streets the cleanest ever.

Radio Cornwall’s James Dundon was on hand with live outside broadcast to all of Cornwall. 

A spokesperson added: “A raffle with a difference was held this year, where, to show support for local businesses, items were purchased from them and raffled on-line to raise £500 for Callington Lions’ charities – and the public gave generously so in excess of £1,000 was raised.”

For further information on Callington Lions and the day’s events see their Facebook page: