Ghostly tales and eerie happenings from local folklore will come to life in Callington as Halloween approaches.

Earlier this year, artists from the Paper Cinema visited Callington Primary School to share supernatural stories. Pen and ink drawings inspired by the visit will now form the basis for a very different kind of cinematic experience.

‘Beguiling drawings are magically brought to life by a pair of puppeteers and a projector to create a unique, animated film,’ said a spokesperson.

‘An ensemble of multi-instrumentalists (including violin, guitar, musical saw and live looping) joins them on stage to perform an eerily atmospheric soundtrack. Each act in this captivating new show draws on a story from each location; discover what happened when the Devil came to Cornwall, a witches curse in Devon, ghostly apparitions in Shropshire and the haunting of Savernake Forest, Wiltshire.’

At the Paper Cinema live show, there will be the chance to meet the artists and hear how they created the show, as well as looking more closely at their puppets and those made by local school children.

Paper Cinema will be at Callington Town Hall on Saturday, October 22, at 7pm. For further information visit or call 01726 879500.